Rehearsal (POEM)

16 3 1

We sit together in a coffee shop,
Our shaking wrists banded in blue.
We sit together in a coffee shop;
I can't help feeling anxious for you.

I see your legs jogging in place
Against the back of your chair
I see your hands rubbing your neck--
Rubbing your neck and twisting your hair.

We sit together in a coffee shop,
Our nervous tics heavy between us
We sit together in a coffee shop,
Not wanting to talk but knowing we must.

"I know you've been wanting a job," I say.
"So, do you have any leads?"
"No, not really," you say, instinctively
Bouncing your quivering knees.

We sit there in silence, not sure
Of what to say, so
I look at my phone, how convenient!
It's getting too late anyway.

Searching for conversation, showing our nerves,
You against you and me against me
I sigh and turn away from the mirror
Knowing that's all this would be.

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