Lucid Dreaming (POEM)

24 4 7

lucid dreams, something no one
can understand
lucid dreaming: defined as
feeling conscious as you sleep, and
knowing when you are dreaming
while you are dreaming.

lucid dreams, the term I
live in every day
as the cars pass on the freeway
skidding from bends, with their
windows down
their speakers shouting lucid dreaming.

the feeling of fall coming on
plants groping for light
under a frosted leaf cover

little girls screaming under their blankets
playing hide from the man in the alley
hide from the man in your lucid dreams

when the cars flash past on the freeway
and you get in a crash
with that same lucid man
who you see all the time
street corners and restaurants
and marts and gardens and hikes
the landscapes of your lucid dreams
like hard gray skies
with red papier-mache hills
and dinosaurs gliding down them
rushing and parting the stale air
blaring their roars like the
cars on the freeway
and the dull unmistakable roar
of white noise
filling your lucid dreams.

NOTE: You've gotten through two thirds of my four o'clock poetry spree! Only a little more complete nonsense to go.


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