Pondering Girl (POEM)

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*I wrote this (along with the next five poems in this collection) early this morning when I couldn't sleep. You'll see evidence of my exhaustion in them.*

Standing on a ledge, a fractal of herself

wonders why the mirror matters at all

such  fruitless things; orientations and galleries

and dresses and veils draping frivolity over what

her parents are afraid to see and what they need to hide from others.

Standing on the ledge, letting the mirror fall

into the lapping waves and a crow dives in to retrieve

the handled glass, carries it to its nest of eggs, for them to admire when they hatch, this wonderful shining object

one that causes so much distress, distress that will breed in that poor crow's nest.

It was coming always coming from that hurting girl

on the ledge

her mirror traveling from brainless host to host like

a beautiful delicate fungus, entrancing and tricking its parasites

into numbness

and numbness is what the girl feels as she stands on the ledge

lasting effects from that vile mirror, the thing that bred her this way and

it isn't fair, it's not fair that her parents gave it to her

that she was raised with it always replicating her movements

her consequences versus actions...

and the mirror was the only education that lingered

in the head of the pondering girl.

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