Ode to Western Rainfall (POEM)

19 3 5

The world is a cacophony

Of dancing droplets

And whizzing cars spraying mist.

The music is a whirl, a crash

Of syncopated drums,

Slamming in angry furious throngs

Against the pavement, against the glass.

The ground throbs and vibrates with joy,

Welcoming back the incredible downpour,

And our bodies--great receptors

Of emotions greater than we are,

Harbors to sweeping jubilance

Coming in from wild seas--

Our bodies join in with the primal

Celebration of cleansing water.

The trees cry and moan

As their summer withdrawal syndromes

Have been appeased, have been given into.

Yes, the entire community slumps in relief

At the first squall of the Washington autumn.

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