While Cheryl keeps arguing with Garry about how good of a driver she is i can't hide my amusement so i turn to her and raise my eyebrow. "You really believe you're a good driver?" I question her and she nods her head with a growing smile.

"Aye, i am and our Laney is a good driver too aren't you, pet?"

"Yes Mammy" Alaina grins while clapping her hands. Cheryl beams from ear to ear and takes her from Garry's arms so she can smother her face with kisses. "I can't believe you are two already, where has the time gone?" She says more to herself than anything but Alaina shrugs her shoulders and drapes her arms around her mam's neck.

"Give me a kiss and you can have ice cream for breakfast" I tell Alaina and she willingly cranes her neck to kiss me and Paisley jumps up and down with her new doll clutched tightly in her hand.

"Can i have ice cream too?"

"No. You can have boring old porridge or a bit of dry toast" Cheryl jokes and Paisley's face falls. Her eyes are welling up and her bottom lip starts to quiver.


"Your mam is kidding you" We all laugh as i lift Paisley up and she instantly smiles. "Isn't she silly?"

"So silly" Paisley grins and i carry her into the kitchen to have an unhealthy breakfast with the birthday girl who has not stopped smiling since opening her eyes this morning.


"Amy what are you doing? I've asked you to help me with the sandwiches at least four times now"

"Sorry, i was just sending my friend a quick message"

Amy has been in a foul mood since walking through the door and that disappoints me because we have been texting all week and i was looking forward to spending some quality time with her. She even said that she would come over before everyone else with Hailie in tow to help me with the party food. I thought we would be having girly chats and sharing silly jokes like we used to, i thought that we would have a real good laugh but that is not the case. She has barely said a word and when she has spoke she has been unpleasant- apart from when she gave Alaina her birthday present. She told her it was from her, Hailie and Uncle Johnny. I had to grit my teeth when she said that. It was nice of her to even get Alaina a present and i didn't want to seem ungrateful so i kept schtum. The present was a lovely pink romper and a doll that Alaina is currently carrying under her arm as she plays with the balloons in the living room with Paisley and Hailie.

Watching Amy rip the bread to shreds while buttering it with a plastic knife i sigh and take it from her hand. She is being more of a hindered than a help so i will be better off doing it myself and soon Joan will be back from the shop and my mum and Sally will be here willing to lend a hand. I can tell by the look on Amy's face that she regrets offering to help me this afternoon. It looks like she would rather be anywhere in the world than here right now and that saddens me.

"You've butchered this loaf. I asked you to make a few sandwiches not a mess. I'll do it myself, you go and check on the girls, they are awfully quiet"

"Fine" She huffs and storms out of the kitchen like the moody teenager that she is.

"Oh and Aims?"


"Cheer yourself up will you? This is a birthday party, not a wake!"

Cheryl is at work and it pained her to have to go but promo is important at this point and with the Mama's hand being released tomorrow she needs to get the word out there but she promised that she will come home early and when i look up at the clock hanging on the wall i smile at the fact that she should be here within the next half hour before any of our guests arrive. We have seen the edited version of the video and we are both in love with it, Cheryl has a good crew working with her and they just have to tweak a few minor things before it can be put out for the public tomorrow. Our girls are still yet to see it though. We thought that we would wait until we get the final version to show them. I know that when we show it to Paisley she is going to love it as much as we do.

CHIM - Life in the limelight SEQUELWhere stories live. Discover now