When It Rains (Lui)

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*throws update at you*

Requested by: kim_mateajennie

Sorry if Lui's a little OOC.

--xx Avanni Cinders

"You seriously think you have what it takes?"

Lui Shirosagi glared up at you from his place on the floor, sweat dripping from his brow to collect in a small puddle in front of him. His violet eyes blazed with fury, his face flushed from embarrassment or anger, or maybe even a combination of the two. His Bey Luinor lay before him, separated into its three separate pieces.

"What kind of question is that?" He managed to sneer, refusing to buckle under your hard gaze.

"A valid one," came your short response, and you held out your hand for your own Bey, which jumped from the stadium and into your palm, where it continued to spin almost lazily. "You actually called yourself the best?"

This only seemed to infuriate him further. Lui growled audibly and snatched up the pieces of Luinor. He pushed himself to his feet and thrust his reassembled Bey toward you.

"Again." He demanded, and you would freely admit, although not to his face, that you were impressed by Lui's unwavering determination. Still, you shrugged.


"What do you mean, 'no?'"

"I mean no." You repeated, deliberately pocketing your Bey and clipping your launcher back onto your belt. "That was two hundred battles, I'm done for the day."

"Not yet you're not," he insisted stubbornly, clicking Luinor into place. "Not until I've won."

You sighed audibly, not giving a damn if you offended him or not. It was at times like this that you regretted your decision to mentor the other Blader.

After his loss against his rival Shu Kurenai, or Red Eye as he had been known at the time, Lui Shirosagi had sought you out in order to have you train him.

At first, you were reluctant. At the age of thirteen, you had gained yourself the title as the world's greatest Blader, a title you had held for three years. Maintaining the position itself had been the easy part. You had been training since you had been able to, with your partner Toxic Hydra, and as a result, the two of you were untouchable. That was where the tricky part had come in. Finding a challenge. Victory after victory, working your way up until you reached a plateau untouchable by anyone else, it didn't take long for you to slowly grow sick of Beyblade.

You loved the sport, there was no doubt about it, but with no one to challenge your power, to get your blood pumping, it just wasn't fun anymore. In the end, you had passed down your title to a Blader by the name of Kurt Baratier, who eventually had come across the same stumbling block as you had, but that was no longer your problem. Packing your things, you had gone on a number of training journies, traveling around the globe and battling all sorts of people before settling down.

That had been two years ago, and at nineteen years of age, you had been more than a little taken aback to come back home one afternoon from grocery shopping, to find a flaming headed male sitting on the steps of your deck, waiting for you to return.

It hadn't been an instant thing, and after hearing his request, you had flat out turned him down and ordered Lui Shirosagi quite firmly to leave you the hell alone.

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