I strained my ears when he stopped, thinking there was more, but with a feeling of pronounced anti-climax he put the paper down. Cassidy made a sudden noise that reminded me of a face-planting moment, although no such motion actually occurred.

"That's all?" Jun quietly asked, drawing my eyes; he was peering at everyone from within the confines of his hood, but I noticed with a flash that he'd shaved the goatee he'd sported when I'd first met him. He looked almost as young as I did without it. "That's all the letter says?"

"Basically. Below is the date and place and time," Kyle said, frowning. "It also says that the dress code is formal and RSVP is not mandatory. Refreshments will be served."

"Anything else?" Leo ventured when no one else spoke.

"Only that I desire to bring some of you with me in case things end up going wrong," Sebastian lowly said. "Woody and Tiffany have already agreed to come. I asked you all here to see who else desires to make this trip with Aerin and myself. It is a couples only environment."

"Then, Dicky and I definitely will," Kyle instantly said, slamming his hands down. "If you need us, we'll be there. We've got your back. Right, babe?"

"Hold your horses, Firecrotch," Richard purred, giving him a smirk. "This requires a bit more finesse than I think either of us possesses. This party Bash mentioned sounds like a high society shindig, and I'm not sure if we're cultured enough to blend in."

"Unless they're all werewolves," Diana lowly said, sharing a glance with her wife. "I'm open to come along if Cassidy is, but I'm not sure how much help we'll be. I've never been to Italy and I don't speak the language... but if Richard and Kyle won't go, we--"

"Who said we won't?" Richard interrupted her, raising an eyebrow. "I haven't said no."

"Oh, Dicky!" Kyle gasped. "Does that mean we are going?!"

"Calm down, Babe," he grumpily muttered, flicking his forehead. "For all the years I've been alive, I've never been to an event like this so we'll probably have to keep a low profile. Won't be much time to enjoy anything."

"We've never been to a fancy party, either," Cassidy sniffed, turning her thin nose up. "Sounds like it could be fun, though, and it would give me a reason to wear my best dress."

"Oooh, honey, you know how much I love you in that gown!" Diana teased, nudging her and tickling her waist until she giggled and writhed away. "I guess that's a yes for us."

"A yes for us, too," Kyle chimed, flailing his hand. 

"Why do you feel like something isn't right, Bash?" Leo suddenly asked, and everyone turned to look at him with furrowed brows; I actually mentally applauded the question since I'd been wondering that for a while myself. "Is there something more to this?"

"Just a feeling I have," Sebastian muttered back. "It mostly has to do with this Lydia woman's reaction when Tiffany first spoke to her, and the fact that she tried to kill Aerin while I was standing right there. Dead giveaway that something simply isn't right." 

"Wait, what?" Kyle scoffed, eyes widening. "She tried to kill him?"

"She flung the envelope at me," I piped up, swallowing when everyone turned to stare with blank, confused expressions. "I know, sounds weird, right? But that's what she did... she threw it like a weapon and it literally got stuck in Sebastian's hand."

Diana stiffened and straightened up, eyes burning into me, but said nothing.

"I guess I understand why you wouldn't want to bring him alone," Richard grunted, looking me up and down. 

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