Dance Your Hearts Out (A Nathan Sykes FanFiction) 29

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   Yay! Final Chapter! This is it, hope you're all ready...epilogue will be coming ASAP. Vote, Comment, Let me know what you think <3 :)

The boys had just finished their concert. I stood backstage with Nareesha, Kelsey staying back in the UK this time, watching them take a final bow. We were led to their dressing room while they did a last minute encore.

“So, the boys wanted to go out for drinks afterwards,” Nareesha informed me.

“You guys go ahead, I’ll just go back to the hotel,” I shrugged.

“There’s no way in hell you’re going back to the hotel,” Jay said suddenly as the boys filed into the room, all sweaty and running on adrenaline.

“What do you mean?” I smirked as he chugged a water bottle.

“You’re coming out with us, love,” Nathan said matter-of-factly.

“Pardon?” I scoffed.

“You are having fun with us, which means going out to the club,” Tom said.

“Screw your dancer’s diet, whatever it’re clubbing with us,” Jay added.

    I couldn’t protest anymore because twenty minutes later, my hand was being stamped and Nathan was pulling me towards a reserved booth.

“Come on, drink,” he said, nudging me with a smirk.

I sighed, never being able to resist his puppy dog eyes.

“Fine” I sighed “one drink...”


    My head was pounding the next morning. When I opened my eyes, the sunlight made me cringe in pain. I rolled on my side, only to come face-to-face with a pillow. For a moment I forgot where I was. As I looked down at myself, I noticed that I was still in street clothes, but these aren’t the clothes I remember having on at the concert. I was in a simple white day dress with ruffles on the ends and a black belt around the waist. I slowly sat up, my head spinning the entire time. I groaned, rubbing my face, but regretting it when I felt something cold and hard against my cheek. I examined my hand and noticed a silver band on my left ring finger. I don’t remember wearing any rings at the concert. I was too tired and hung over to give the piece of jewelery any other thought.

    As my head began to slowly clear, I had flashes of people dancing, strobe lights, and flashes of cameras going off. I tried to remember all that happened last night, but I could only remember glimpses of me posing for pictures with the lads and Nareesha or how Nathan constantly pulled me on the dance floor every time a slow song came on.

    I reached for my bag on the bedside table and look at the time on my phone. It’s almost ten in the morning. I began digging through my bag for a mint or a bottle of water to wash out the bitter taste in my mouth. I tossed my camera and wallet aside. What I found was a badly folded piece of paper.

“What is this?” I asked myself quietly.

I unfolded the paper and read it out loud.

Certificate of Marriage?” I questioned, confused and slightly shocked “This certifies that Nathan James Sykes and Victoria Catherine Fey have united in marriage!” I read, my eyes growing big as I scanned over each word.

    It had yesterday’s date on it. The certificate also had Tom and Jay’s signature at the bottom as witnesses. I didn’t recognize the priest or the church, but the location was here in Vegas. The ring on my finger instantly became heavier as I read and re-read the words on the thin piece of paper.

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