Dance Your Hearts Out (A Nathan Sykes FanFiction) 14

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“That’s not the point,” was the best I could come up with.

“Yeah, the point is…you’re jealous because I’m spending all my time with Niall and not here tending to your every need,” she snapped. “If you haven’t realized, Nathan…it’s my job to work with him.”

“I’m not jealous,” I growled.

“Oh, really, because it sure sounds like you are,” she snapped harshly.

We broke out into this full argument, the one thing I was trying to avoid because I knew I’d end up losing. It was really pointless to argue with women, it was either they were right or they made men think they’re right. We were yelling at each other at the same time, so really, I had no idea what either of us was saying. Finally, I just stopped talking and she stopped as well.

“You know what, fine, yes I’m jealous of you spending all your time with Niall and I’m jealous of how you talk about him and how he takes you to lunch and dinner!” I yelled.

“Just because you admit that you’re jealous doesn’t mean this argument is over,” she hissed angrily, running a hand through her damp hair.

I hate arguing with her.

“If you’re going to be jealous of every celebrity dance partner I have, then we’re going to have a lot of problems,” she sighed.

I didn't reply, knowing whatever I said would only make things worse.

“I need to talk to Tom,” she announced, walking out the room quickly.



When I got to Tom’s room, I knocked on the door and waited for his “come in” before stepping into the messy room. Tom sat in his bed with his laptop.

“Can we talk?” I asked slowly.

“Yeah, we need to,” he replied. “Look at this.”

I sat by his legs as he handed me his laptop. He was on some celebrity gossip website and the headlining story was “BATTLE OF THE BOYBANDS: BALLROOM EDITION”. I clicked on the link and it opened to the main story’s page:

Strictly Come Dancing’ has gained many more viewers due to One Direction’s own Niall Horan going on as a contestant. This must have already been dramatic enough for the band, losing one of their members for a short time to the dance floor, but oh how the drama rises…

When Niall posted a picture of his dance partner, Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, and our own website exploded with comments, questions, and stories. Niall’s partner is none other than Nathan Sykes’, of The Wanted, American girlfriend, Victoria Fey. Seeing Victoria and Nathan’s relationship blossom from friendship to a couple was dramatic enough, but how does young Nathan feel about his bird moving about the stage with another boy band member?

One Direction seems to love her though, Liam saying ‘she’s a wonderful girl, so talented and beautiful’ with a comment from Harry as well ‘fit dancer, sweet girl, Niall’s really lucky!’. Dating one boy band member and being paid to dance with another, it seems Victoria is living the dream right about now. No word on how The Wanted feel about this, but by the lack of their appearance at live shows, it seems they’re pretty distant about Victoria and her new Irish dance partner.

It’s always been a rumor that The Wanted and One Direction have a secret feud, yet both bands insist they’re friendly with each other. Could this be the one thing that breaks this friendship? Is it possible for a “Battle of the Boy Bands” to break out over the young and beautiful Victoria Fey? Maybe…

I’ve read stories about myself before, but this was beyond a simple gossip rumor. They were assuming too much on too little information.

“This is insane,” I sighed, handing him back his laptop.

“I’ll say,” Tom grumbled. “What’d you want to talk about, Lovely?”

“Nathan’s jealous of me spending all my time in rehearsals with Niall” I said

He seemed confused, so I went into a brief summary of the argument we just had and asked Tom what I should do.

“Well, do you fancy Niall?” he asked.

“No, we’re just friends, honestly,” I insisted.

“Then there’s really nothing to worry about,” he shrugged.

“Tom,” I whined.

“What do you want me to say? I’m no relationship’s expert, sorry, Lovely,” he said.

I sighed and nodded, saying goodnight before going back to my own bedroom.

Nathan was already asleep when I shut the door behind me. I slipped into my space on the bed and pulled the covers over me. It was stupidly cold at night and I knew I’d be shivering by morning…


When morning did arrive and I’d showered and changed, I had Ty pick me up for breakfast before we headed to the studio. In the car I explained to him what happened that night and asked for his advice.

“Those stupid stories on those websites are meant to trash celebrities, shorty, don’t worry about it.” He shrugged.

“I’m not so much worried about the story, I’m worried about my boyfriend,” I replied.

“Well, Nathan seems like a chill dude… if he’s jealous about you and Niall, how about you get Niall to set things straight,” he suggested, turning into the lot of the restaurant.

“You make it sound so simple,” I scoffed, getting out of the car.

“You make it seem so difficult,” he replied, hooking his arm around my neck, leading me into the restaurant.

We sat at a booth and a waiter came and took our orders. While waiting for the food, Ty and I continued on our conversation.

“So, Nathan’s jealous of Niall and Niall has no clue about it?” Ty questioned.

I just nodded, playing with the straw of my drink.

“Just tell Niall, shorty. He’s really cool and a smart dude, he’ll set things straight with your boyfriend,” Ty shrugged.

I just nodded, not wanting to talk about it anymore. As we ate, I questioned Ty on his lovely dance partner who I’ve seen very little of. We’ve talked a few times, but not long enough for me to really get to know her. Ty figured he had no romantic interest in her, so there are no complications for him at the moment. He went on and on about how great she was and how much she’s grown in her dancing skills. I could just smile and give simple replies to his descriptions. He seemed so happy and I didn’t want to trouble him with my problems.


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