Dance Your Hearts Out (A Nathan Sykes FanFiction) 19

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Sure enough, to only make things worse, I caught the flu and was stuck in bed until I was better. It had been two weeks and four days since Tori and I...separated. I'd watched her on Strictly and she and Niall had made it to the semi-finals. That's what she's been rehearsing for this week, competing for the semi-finals.

My head ached, my nose was stuffed, and my body felt like total crap. I couldn't get comfortable and it was either too hot or too cold in the room. I was so sick that I couldn't even hear the front door open.

“Eh hem.”

I groggily turned my head to see Tori standing in the doorway with her duffel bag. She wore a skin hugging camisole barely exposed the spot right below her stomach and form fitting black sweat pants. I only groaned, too sick to ask why she was here. She dropped her bag on the floor and cautiously sat on the edge of the bed.

“Tom called and told me you were sick,” she said quietly, brushing the back of her hand against my forehead, it was cool against the hot skin.

“You're burning up, Nath,” she said, worry written all across her face.

This was the first time she's touched me in eighteen days. I took pleasure, even in my weak state, at her comforting touch.

“Shouldn't you be in rehearsals?” I sighed, turning on my side towards her.

“I cut rehearsals short,” she shrugged, getting up and walking out the door.

She returned a few minutes later with soup, tea, and my medications that the doctor had prescribed. I began to realize how much I missed her. She fed me soup and took care of me. She catered to my every request. She'd risked her chances of improving her routine, which I already knew would be ace because she was who she was, to take care of the bloke that practically told her he wanted to be away from her. She didn't even bring up what had happened, but of course she didn't act like everything was better. She still kept a fair distance from me, she didn't kiss nor hug me, she only did what any friend would do... friend...

She asked me about how things were in the studio, how the album was coming along, and even told me this is what happened when I spend too much time writing in a small studio. I asked her about Niall. She replied calmly, saying that he was well and that they've been working with Liam's girlfriend, Danielle for routines. She basically was saying something along the lines of “Niall and I are never alone together when we rehearse”.

I didn't want her to leave, because I feared this time she wouldn't come back. I worried about it every day, that today would be the day that Tori came around with a suitcase and a goodbye hug to Tom. I didn't want her out of my life, but I had felt my heart shatter to pieces when I saw her kissing that blonde, Irish, guitar playing...twat. I believed every word she said when she explained what had happened. I soon realized it was understandable. Any man with a mind would want to kiss her, she's beautiful, talented, and the most caring person I've ever met.

When Tom came back from the studio, it was about seven at night. He came into the room to see Tori running a cool towel along my forehead to try and ease the fever.

“Seems you've had a busy day,” he smirked, leaning over and kissing her cheek.

She only smiled and kissed his cheek back.

“How you feeling, Nath?” he asked.

“Better,” I nodded, actually feeling a bit less tired and more level-headed.

“Guess I'd be letting you go, Lovely...thanks for taking care of him,” Tom said as she stood up.

“Sure,” she nodded, gathering her things.

She gave me a shy nod and smile as a goodbye. I did the same.

“I'll see you at the semi-finals, yeah?” Tom asked as they walked out the room.

“Yeah, see you,” she replied quietly.

Soon enough I heard the door close and Tom came back with a beer. He leaned against the door frame with his arms crossed over his chest.

“ was your day?” he asked.

“Fine, I feel like crap though,” I grumbled, leaning back against the pillows.

“Why? Because you broke my cousins heart or the guilt sunk in when she showed up and started taking care of you better than your own mother?” he asked bitterly.

I sighed. He was right.

“Both, mate,” I replied sadly.

“Should I just go and call her... tell her to go ahead and move out permanently?” he asked sharply, slamming his beer on the table.

“No!” I snapped quickly.

“Well, that's what she's doing. You've pushed her so far away that she doesn't even want to come over when it's just me, you stupid prick,” he retorted angrily. “It's like you don't even care about her.”

“Don't say that!” I hissed.

“Well, it's true, isn't it? She hasn't been the same for two weeks. She's given you everything you asked for and you're still acting like a complete prat!” he growled angrily.

“Shut up!” I yelled, not wanting to hear the bitter truth yelled in my face.

“Admit it, Nathan, I knew you would do something like this,” he said with disappointment.

“It's not true,” I mumbled.

“Oh? It's not?” he questioned coldly.

“No, it's not!” I replied hardly.

“Then what is the truth?” he demanded.

“The truth is... I love her!” I yelled, though my throat was still sore.

He instantly relaxed his features, staring at me wide eyed with his mouth slightly open. His shoulders relaxed. I then realized what I had just said. It didn't take me long to nod to myself. I can't believe it took me this long for me to realize that I loved Tori.

“Pardon?” Tom questioned.

“Yeah...I love her... and whatever you plan on telling her or accusing me of won't change that,” I said, stifling the cough in my throat.

The next thing he did was smirk.

“Of course you do,” he mumbled, clapping me on the shoulder.

“Wha....?” I questioned, completely confused and thrown off guard.

“It's about time, you stupid bloke!” he said, laughing.

“What the hell are you on about?” I asked, still angry.

“I always knew you loved her, mate, I was just tired of waiting around for you to figure it out yourself,” he explained, taking a sip from his beer.

“ were and...” I stammered, the sickness in me making it hard to comprehend what was happening.

“Look, I know Tori like the back of my hand...she has never seemed this happy with any bloke...and she's never been this sad because of any bloke...” he sighed.

“What should I do?” I asked slowly.

“Tell her, get her the semi-finals... she'll need all the happiness she can get since she's so nervous,” he answered before walking off.

He was right. I had to tell her. I wanted her, no... I needed her. I needed to feel her next to me when I slept at night, I needed her to hug and kiss me, I needed to feel her hand in mine, to see her smile and be the cause of it. Damn it, I needed my girlfriend back!

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