Dance Your Hearts Out (A Nathan Sykes FanFiction) 2

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            My throat was dry. My head was pounding. My body ached everywhere. My stomach clenched in pain. I was blinded when I opened my eyes. The house was quiet. I didn’t even remember getting home last night. Usually I woke up to Tori nuzzling my neck, but she wasn’t in sight. The room spun as I slowly pulled myself to sit up. I managed to stand up and groggily make my way out of the room, down the corridor and into the front room.

            The TV was turned down low. I could smell coffee in the air. Tori sat on the couch in her usual, and at any other time a turn on, short shorts. They were a light grey and stopped a bit above her mid-thigh. She also had on a light blue spaghetti strap undershirt. I knew if she stood up, it would expose a small rim of her stomach which I would, usually, smirk at and have the urge to touch.

            She stared blankly at the TV, holding a mug in her hands. Her legs were crossed and she leaned her body back and against the armrest of the couch. I walked past her, pouring a cup of black coffee. I sat down next to her and sighed, feeling the warmth of the coffee go down my throat and into my stomach. I leaned my head back, closing my eyes. When I opened them again I was looking up at the ceiling. Tori hadn’t said a word. I turned my head slowly to look at her. Now that I was closer, I could see her shoulders were tense and she was upset. Damn. I already knew why she was upset. I sighed, mentally cursing myself,

“What did I do?” I asked her, my voice hoarse

She just shrugged

“What did I say?” I asked slowly

She then sighed

“After you tried to shove your tongue down my throat… you said ‘drunk, sober, I’m still the same, let me off the leash for a bit’” she quoted, spitting out the word ‘leash’

I’m screwed…

“And then” she continued sharply “you said ‘loosen the chain’” she mumbled

“Tori, you know I didn’t mean any of that” I said, scooting over to her

            She abruptly stood up and purposely slammed her mug down on the table. The noise made me cringe and groan loudly,

“Since you’re the same person drunk or sober, I guess you’re feeling like you’re on a leash in this relationship” she snapped

“No, of course not” I said, standing quickly and then regretting it when the room started spinning again

“How is it that I learn more about how you feel about us when you’re totally wasted than when you’re sober?” she asked rhetorically

My universe will never be the same, I’m glad you came!!” Tom sang happily, walking through the door

We both turned to look at him

“What’s…going on?” Tom asked, sensing the tension in the room

“Nothing” Tori sighed, plastering a smile on her face “how was the gig?” she asked, going over to Tom

“Great, lovely, me and the lads killed it, had a few drinks, and then I woke up at Kel’s” he smiled

“You’re not hung over?” she asked

“Nah, they only offered us a couple pints at the gigs…but, I saw a pub down the street when I was leaving” Tom shrugged

“Oh?” she said, turning to me accusingly

I knew guilt was all over my face

“Why, what’s the matter?” Tom asked, now sensing her distress

“Nothing” she smiled sweetly at Tom

He glanced at me, as if already sensing that I did something wrong

“Well, hey I’m going to take a shower and then…we can all go out to breakfast, sound good?” she asked, smiling

“Yeah, alright” Tom beamed at her, kissing her forehead

            She happily turned on her heel and walked past me, not even acknowledging me. As soon as I heard the door the bathroom close, Tom backhanded me, hard,

“What the bloody hell?!” I snapped

“What did you do to her?” he growled

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