Dance Your Hearts Out (A Nathan Sykes FanFiction) 6

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Hey, so I'm looking for a "beta" (person that proofreads fanfic chapters before I post them) and if your interested in helping, then message me. Please and thank you <3

We had a quiet breakfast. I found it ironic that Tom didn’t wear a shirt either. I looked at Kelsey than examined myself, then looked at Tom, then examined Nathan,

“Something wrong, love?” Nathan and Tom asked in unison

It actually sounded creepy when they spoke like that

“N-nothing” I shrugged

            If Kelsey were a few inches shorter and had darker hair, I’d almost say we looked alike. If Nathan cut his hair, which I pray he never will, because I like it the way it is, lifted a few weights and got a tattoo, him and Tom would be similar,

“Don’t worry, I see it too” Kelsey winked across the table at me

“So I’m not crazy?” I asked, smiling lightly at her

“No, I saw it when you walked in with Nathan, I agree” she nodded

“What are you talking about?” Tom asked

“Yeah” Nathan added

“Nothing” Kelsey and I said in unison

            And at the same moment, she reached over and touched Tom’s arm comfortingly and I did the same with Nathan’s knee. These boys… I swear we’d have to break it down for them, but I doubt they’d see why we found it so interesting. Then Kelsey and I laughed,

“You two…” Tom sighed, shaking his head

“Love you” I smiled

“Yeah, yeah” he grumbled, chewing his food

            After breakfast, Tom and Kelsey decided to clean up and wash the dishes. That left Nathan and I to lounge on the couch and watch TV. Tom was having a short attention span with Nathan and he was asking how I hold my cousin’s attention for so long,

“It’s easy, really…you just have to use the right words to make him listen…he only hears select things when anyone speaks and whatever he hears will most likely translate into some other sentence in his head” I shrugged

            I adjusted myself under Nathan’s arm. I snuggled up, laying my head on his chest and sighing peacefully. His fingers began to twirl the ends of one of my locks of hair,

“So, how does that work exactly?” he asked

“Watch” I mumbled, seeing Tom walking our way “Tom, can we get a dog?” I asked as he passed us

“No” he said almost immediately, probably going to the bathroom

“See, there he heard me say ‘get’ and ‘dog’ which probably translated into his head as ‘can I go bring home another mouth for you to feed’” I shrugged

“Yeah, but he still somewhat ignored you” Nathan shrugged in reply

“You want me to get his attention?” I asked

“I’d like to see you try, no one can really grab Tom’s attention before eleven in the morning” he chuckled

“Yeah?” I challenged

He shrugged again, kissing my forehead teasingly

“I’ll get his attention…and get his blood pressure up” I warned

Tom came back out shortly, walking back to help with the dishes

“Tom, Nathan got me pregnant” I whined

“What?” Nathan exclaimed, not expecting that

“What!” Tom snapped, almost stumbling on the table

I nodded

            Tom’s eyes were wide and his teeth gritted. Nathan was staring at me in pure shock; I couldn’t hold the laugh in and just let it escape my lips,

“Just kidding” I smiled cutely

Tom let out a breath of relief

“Jesus, Tori, don’t you ever do that” he breathed, placing his hand over his heart

“See, use words that grab his attention” I said, looking up at Nathan

“Almost gave me a bloody heart attack” Tom grumbled, walking back into the kitchen

I smiled

“I see” Nathan mumbled to himself

            I kissed his cheek before cuddling up to him, nuzzling his neck. He kissed the top of my head, his arm squeezing up against him. It was a lazy day really; we just all hung around the house, just doing nothing. I easily got bored with just watching TV with the boys, so I silently got up and walked to the bedroom. I crawled back under the cool covers, feeling instantly relaxed by the mattress and pillows. Nathan’s scent was all over the pillow and I inhaled it deeply before pulling out my laptop and just checking everything (Facebook, Twitter, email, Tumblr, etc.). Nothing really interesting was going on in the social networking world, so I shut my laptop and lay down with a sigh,

“Comfortable?” Nathan asked, walking into the room and shutting the door behind him

“I’d be more comfortable if you were here with me” I smirked, looking up at him

He smirked before jumping into the empty spot next to me

            He pulled the duvet over himself, wrapping his arm around me and starting to nip at my skin. I laughed and wrapped my arms around his neck. His lips trailed down my skin, his breath warm and ticklish. I giggled as he pulled me on top of him. I held myself up over him, my hair falling in my face. He smiled coolly at me, his fingertips brushing my loose locks behind my ears. This was one of those intimate moments that led up to a hot night in the bedroom… of course Nathan I were never ones to follow proper relationship order…


So, I just wanted to say thank you for reading and though summer is slowly coming to an end :( I'd love to finish this story before then, but I'm not so sure yet. If you're a fan of Niall Horan from One Direction, then please check out my newest fanfic "Your Beautiful Guitar" and comment on what you think :)

Another thing, if anyone is looking for something new on Youtube, I suggest searching "PointlessBlog" or "OFFICIALSamPepper", they're British and hilarious :D

Don't forget to comment and vote and I'll update as soon as this chapter gets... 4 votes? Yeah, let's go with that. Talk to you lovelies as soon as I can, <3

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