Spice up Your Life (One-shot)

Start from the beginning

When they were finished, Rurik headed for the living room, flopping onto the couch as his partner washed the dishes. He was surprised when the smaller went straight upstairs afterward rather than joining him on the couch but quickly shrugged it off as he returned to his show.

He did, however, become curious about the occasional thumping noises from upstairs. After a particularly loud thump, he called up, "Lotus, what are you doing up there?"

"Nothing!" came an immediate reply, "Don't come up!"

Guess he's trying to figure out a last-minute gift... I told him he didn't need to worry about it. Guess he can't let it go that easily.

Seeing no harm in playing along, Rurik followed the smaller's directions... at least until he heard a muffled call from their room half an hour later summoning him.

Making his way up the staircase and down the hall, he saw the door to their shared room had been left ajar. Pushing the door open, he stood in the doorway trying to process what he was seeing.

Of all the things he expected, this definitely took the cake.

Lotus was sitting in a kneeling position in the center of the bed with his hands in his lap, wearing nothing but his red scarf wrapped around his body and down his arms, tied off at his wrists in a bow. A vivid blush covered his face as he stammered out, "Ha... Happy Valentines Day!"

As the initial shock wore off, Rurik snorted, "What the hell?"

"Well, you said it's Valentines Day and couples give each other stuff. I didn't have anything planned, but I felt bad for not having anything to give you," Lotus rambled, his eye light darting away from his partner as he fidgeted in place, "Then I thought about it and realized it's been a while since you asked for... that... and I know you've been trying to take care of it yourself in private rather than pushing yourself on me or going after someone else since the incident, so... I thought I would make a good present. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any ribbon, so I had to make do with my scarf. It's long enough, but it's really hard to tie a bow when your hands are-"

Lotus was cut off by a burst of laughter as Rurik clutched his sides, leaning against the doorway for support, "Holy shit, this is what you were thinking of earlier? Wait- then that loud thump earlier... did you get tangled in your scarf or something? Oh stars," he paused to gasp for breath, "I can't believe this, it's priceless!"

"You bastard..."

The note of hurt in the words caused Rurik's skull to shoot up from where he was doubled over, his cheer dying down at the sight of Lotus' shaking frame. His partner's face was burning brightly as he clenched his fists and glared at the bed under him, his voice quavering, "If you don't like it, then say so. This wasn't supposed to be a joke, so you don't need to laugh about it."

The taller skeleton straightened up, striding purposefully into the room when the smaller clenched his sockets, on the verge of tears as he choked out, "I should have known this was a stupid idea, I don't know what the hell I was-"

Lotus' words were silenced as Rurik tilted his chin up, leaning forward to press his mouth against the smaller's. A smile curled at the edges as he felt his companion melt into the kiss, pulling away once he knew he had their attention, "Sorry for laughing, but I never said I didn't like it. I was just surprised because you've never initiated sex before, much less made a show of it."

A sly grin adorned Rurik's face as he closed the distance to pin the flustered skeleton underneath him, "I have to say I really like what I see. There's no way I could possibly turn down such a gift, especially when it's been so lovingly wrapped for me."

"W... Wait!" Lotus shouted, his bound hands pushing slightly against Rurik's chest to halt his progress. The taller pulled back, watching in confusion as the skeleton under him struggled with something he'd been clasping in his fist. Comprehension dawned as a small square packet was held up between two fingers, "This first."

"A condom?" Rurik quirked his socket as he took the offered contraceptive.

"Yeah," the smaller grumbled, averting his gaze, "Even if I'm consenting, it doesn't mean I want any surprises tomorrow."

The taller grinned, "That mean you don't want any kids?"

"Not yet, at least," Lotus asserted softly.

Rurik chuckled as he played with the tail end of the bow around the smaller's wrists, "I suppose we can play by your rules... just for tonight."

"You jerk," Lotus bristled, though there was no true bite to the insult as he watched Rurik slowly tear open a corner of the wrapper, "You're lucky I love you."

The taller's thoughts ground to a halt, a blank expression on his face as he stared down at his companion, "Lotus..."

The bound skeleton tensed under him, "What...?"

"I think that's the first time I've ever heard you say that," Rurik admitted, leaning forward with an eager glint in his starry eye lights, "I want to hear it again."

"I...," the smaller hesitated, his eye light dilating and his breath quickening at Rurik's sudden close proximity.

"Go on," Rurik encouraged, stroking his partner's cheek, "I want to hear you say it."

"I... I love you," Lotus breathed.


"I love you," he repeated with a bit more confidence.

"Damn, I never knew three words could be such a turn-on," Rurik groaned, diving down to claim his partner's lips a second time, working the button on his pants off and easing the condom on in the process.

Pulling back for air, Rurik murmured, "You know, I'm starting to really like this Valentines Day thing."

"Why?" Lotus gasped as they broke apart.

"Because I got the best gift ever," he purred in return, reaching down to finally unwrap his present.


Word Count: 1,599

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