Valentine's Special!

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"Seunghyun, I need help." I moved my phone away from my ear as he roared with laughter. I tapped my pen against my desk as I waited for him to calm down. "Eric, are you really this clueless?" "S-Shut up. It's my first Valentine's day with a lover..." That had sent him into a fit of laughter once more. "I'm hanging up." "No! Wait!" I paused and waited. "I'll help. So, what do you have in mind?" "Sunwoo." I could hear him face palm through the phone.


"Thanks for coming over, both of you." "Of course. I still owe you for that one time." Seunghyun looked between the both of us in curiosity. "What did you do for her?" Jorin waved his statement away as we started hanging banners on the walls. "It's nothing to worry your minuscule mind over." "What did you say?" I shook my head as sparks could be seen between the two.

"You know..." We looked at the wall in disappointment. "I'm sure he can still read it." "We can still fix it." I checked the time then realized I needed to go pick up an order. "Can you two fix up around here? I need to go out." "Sure." I paused then turned around. "Don't kill each other." "No promises."


"Thank you. Come again." The aroma of the food had started to make me hungry. "I wonder if he'll like it all." I could only do so much with the amount of cash I had. Thankfully, Jorin and Seunghyun were kind enough to pitch in. I rounded the corner and saw Sunwoo and Chisoo. "Oh no." I quickly dialed Seunghyun's number and made a beeline for the other route to Sunwoo's. "What's up?" "They're coming back!" "Oh shit. Jorin! Hurry up, the british are coming. What the fuck Seunghyun? Ugh! Just hurry up!" He then hung up.


I had barely managed to get myself inside and upstairs before Chisoo parted from Sunwoo. "Seunghyun? Jorin?" They peeked out from his aunt's bedroom then motioned for me to come over. "What?" "Well, we fixed the lettering, but..." I watched Jorin glare at Seunghyun. "What did you do?" "I might've sorta kinda detached the string from a balloon." I would've raised my voice if it weren't for the sound of the door unlocking. They quickly hid as I scrambled to the living room to set up.

"Eric? What's-" I nervously gripped my thigh as he looked around while approaching me. "Did you do all of this?" "Not alone, but my helpers already left." He nodded then sat down across from me. "This is nice. Not over the top and not too minimal." I internally sighed in relief as he picked up his utensils and started to eat. I noticed Jorin and Seunghyun in my peripheral vision trying to sneak out. "Is it good?" "Of course. It's from my favorite place." I glanced over and saw they were close to the front door.

The sound of the door closing was faintly heard and caused him to look up. "It was just the wind. Just eat." "Aren't you going to eat too?" "Watching you eat makes me full." He looked back down then cleared his throat. "You're making me blush." "Good." "But, I can't ear well if you aren't eating too." "Sunwoo-" He held up food for me to eat. "Open." I did as I was told and was promptly fed. "Eric, be honest with me."

I slightly tilted my head as I chewed. "Did you really want to do this? Something this simple?" "Yeah." He squinted as he searched my face. "That's not like you. Have you become tame since dating me...?" I silently blinked as he seemed troubled over it. "Did you want to do something else...?" He rested his cheek against his fist then sighed. "I'm sorry if it sounded like I wasn't happy." His tone of voice said otherwise. "I'm sorry." "Eric-" I quickly stood up and left the apartment.


"And he apologized yet he sounded disappointed." Jorin sipped on her smoothie before giving me an answer. "I'm assuming he was. We all know you, Eric. High thrill, high risk Eric Sohn. Sunwoo might've been expecting you to take him out to do something like that." I looked at Seunghyun who simply nodded. "Aren't you the one who said to go simple?" "And you listened to me because?" "You have experience." I grimaced as I stole a fry. "But you know, you really fucked up." "How?" "By leaving." Jorin nodded.

"I already fucked up. Why should I even go back?" "Because you love Sunwoo?" "And Valentine's day isn't over until 12am?" I looked at them then at my phone. My mind reeled over things we could do, but nothing seemed appropriate. "Eric, I'm going to help you out just once for free." I looked at Jorin who pointed up. "Take him to a roof. Sit on the edge and you know, talk. Or whatever. Pretty high thrill." "I love and appreciate you, Jorin." "What about me?" I rolled my eyes at Seunghyun before leaving my seat to go pick up Sunwoo. "He really is a baby when it comes to romance." "You said it, Jo." "Don't call me that."


"How'd you get access to the school's roof?" "Connections." I looked down at the familiar sight. "Remember when we caught those two making out?" "Oh yeah! I wonder what they're up to now." "Probably still going at it in secret." We lightly laughed as the setting sun's light highlighted us. "And when the fight broke out that you started." "Classic." We swung our legs back and forth in silence. "Eric." "Hm?" "I apologize about earlier. I'm happy that you went through the trouble to set it all up. Thank you." He interlaced our fingers as the sky started to darken. "I'm still somewhat of a newbie when it comes to all of this romance stuff, but I'll try my best for you." "I'll help you along the way. Just ask, okay?"

He held me by my waist as the night sky had blanketed the city. "Should we head back?" "There's still time left of Valentine's day. Why don't we get a bit rowdy since it's dark?" I looked up at him and saw a hint of evil in his eyes. "Sunwoo, I don't really think we should..." "What? Why?" "I mean, I wouldn't mind, but we're still young and I don't think we have the necessary items and-" "Eric, I wasn't referring to sex." "Oh." I felt like an idiot. It didn't help that Sunwoo had started to laugh as well. "Maybe we should just go home." We scooted off the ledge then made our way down the stairs. "Thank you for today, Eric. I'll treasure today." My face heated up as he gave my cheek a quick kiss.

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