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I walked through the halls then spotted Hankung with her friends. "Eric, hey..." I softly smiled at her then watched as her friends quietly walked away. "Let's have a chat hm?" "Sure." I sat her down in a classroom then hovered over her.

"I'll ask once and I expect honesty." I continued to smile as she looked slightly uncomfortable. "Oka-" "Why did you break up with Seunghyun?" My voice had come out deeper than I intended. "It was his parents!" "His parents?" She slowly nodded. So I was wrong.

Or she was lying. "They told me Seunghyun was going to date someone more his speed. What does that even mean?" She was lying. Her posture was awful and she rambled on, probably in an effort to confuse me. "Really? I talked with his parents yesterday."

"They said they couldn't wait to have you as a daughter in law. Shower you with so much love, gifts, money..." Her eyes lit up. She was caught. "Did they? I must've heard wrong then." I walked closer to her then placed my hands on her shoulders.

"What did Dongil promise you?" She discreetly jumped. She was being too obvious. "Dongil? Oh, one of his friends. He never promised me anything." "Hankung, do you know who you're messing with? I've made grown men cry for their mothers." She gulped hard.

"Okay, okay! He said he'd make Seunghyun's life hell if I didn't date him instead. Seunghyun's already going through a lot...His parents kicking him out and you no longer being by his side..." She wasn't lying this time. "I love Seunghyun...I'd die for him."

"That's a bit much..." "I mean it. Dongil is so annoying. He hits on me everyday and can't take a hint. So, he's using Seunghyun against me..." "You should've said so from the start." "I know you, and you won't let Dongil rest easy with this. He's not entirely bad."

"You're asking me to spare him." "Just a little. I know you go overboard." "Fine." She gave me a hug. "Where's Seung?" "Going to his next class in sadness." "Ah, maybe I could help with that." I held her back by her wrist. "Wait until everything is over." "Alright..."

I tunes her out as she lectured me. "Do you understand?" "Completely." "Don't ever sneak out again!" "Of course." "I mean it." "Me too." She dismissed me. I was going to do again anyway when the time called. I walked out into the hall then heard murmuring.

"Woah." There was a group of students gathered by a locker. I pushed my way in to see what was going on. "Dongil is gay?" "That's what the paper says." "It looks like his handwriting too..." "I can't believe he wrote this..." "May I see?"

They handed it to me as I read it over. A small gasp left my mouth as vivid images were imprinted into my mind. "That's detailed." "Very." I walked away then wondered how this even happened. I decided to consult Eric as he knew a lot about a lot of things.

I sought him out and found him talking to Seunghyun and some girl. My face fell as I watched them interact. I had forgotten he had other friends. "Maybe later..." I slowly walked away then heard someone call my name. I turned around with a smile plastered to my face.

"Hey!" I casually walked over to him. "What's up?" "You've met Seunghyun, right?" "Yeah." "And this is-" "Youngseul?" She waved shyly. "Hey." "You know each other?" "She's my...lab partner." "Oh?" He looked between us. "So you're a junior?"

"Yeah." "Well, we need to get going. Have fun you two." Eric and Seunghyun then walked away. I frowned heavily. "Hm, jealous?" "What are you talking about?" "It's obvious." "I am not." "Sure..." "Since when have you known Eric?" "Don't remember. We hang out sometimes."

"Anyway, don't forget about tomorrow." "Right." She walked away, leaving me alone. I took out my phone only to put it away as the bell rang.

I walked over to Eric's locker then noticed something was sticking out of it. I pulled it out then unfolded it. "I know what you did...?" I looked around, hoping no one heard me. Did someone figure out that Eric was behind that rumor from before? I started to worry.

"Sunwoo?" I quickly stuffed the paper into my back pocket then gave him a sheepish smile. "Hey, I was looking for you." "Well, I'm here now. What's up?" I quietly thought of something to talk about as he went through his locker. "Nice weather, yeah?" He harshly closed his locker.

"Sunwoo." "Y-Yeah?" I started to get nervous as I feared he knew. "Did you see anyone around before you got here? My folder is missing." I frantically shook my head. "I got here literally a minute ago." "I need that folder. My story is in it." "Oh..."

I quietly followed him as he took his usual route to the roof. "Do you know who could've taken it?" "No. Your aunt was kind enough to give me a new lock with a new combination. I haven't told anyone. Not even Seunghyun." It certainly was strange as his lock looked perfectly fine.

He opened the door then stopped, causing me to bump into him. "What's-" I looked straight ahead and saw two people conversing. "Who are they?" "Dongil and Weusang..." I had no idea who those people were. "Wait, Eric-" He walked over to them, causing them to look at us.

"So, we haven't talked in a while. How goes things?" "Great. You still a delinquent?" I quietly listened from afar. "You still kissing ass?" I stifled my laughter as the guy looked ready to strangle Eric. "Anyway, why are you two up here? It's not safe."

"And it's apparently safe for you?" "We were just discussing weekend plans, Eric. Oh yeah, Dongil." Weusang whispered into Dongil's ear, causing him to briefly smirk. "Hey, is Seunghyun still on school grounds?" "Dunno." They frowned. "Well, if you see him..." "Will do."

They took their leave. "What was that about?" "Seunghyun." I looked at him then saw Seunghyun emerge from the back. "Wha-" "How did you know I was up here?" "Your pin. You're lucky I noticed it before they did." "Oh. Shit..." "So, what's going on?" I was confused.

"Nothing really, just surprise birthday plans." "Oh." I was convinced. They started to whisper to each other, making me feel left out. "Sorry Sun. We need to go. Tomorrow, I promise." He patted my shoulder before taking off with Seunghyun.

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