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I quickly hurried out in fear that his family might've tracked us. "Please be okay..." I looked around, hoping he hadn't gone far. I started to ask people if they had seen him. No one seemed to. I was at my wits end. Then it hit me. I had his number.

I tapped my foot as I called for the nth time. He finally answered. "Where are you? How could you just walk out, forgetting people are targeting you." I was mad. I had done all that work to get him back and his dumbass out here trying to get himself kidnapped again.

I patiently waited for Sunwoo's arrival. He soon came into view and I instantly ran to him. "Don't just leave like that." Slap. "They could've taken you again." Slap. "Don't ever go out without me. Promise me." "You know what that means...right?"

"Yes. It means we kiss. I don't care. I don't want you outside wandering by yourself." I decided to make the most of it and wrapped my arms around his neck before going in for the kiss. The simple lip touching lip action turned into a battle of dominance, in which I won.

I pulled away then slapped my cheeks. "Sorry, it was just supposed to be a peck..." He cupped my face and smiled sweetly. "I liked it. I want to do it more often with you." My heart swelled. My body was growing warmer. "Me too..." He kissed my cheek before taking my hand.

"Do you remember our first promise?" "No." I looked at him in amazement. "Not at all?" "Nope." "The promise was that you wouldn't tell anyone I was being tutored by you." "Oh, that one..." "Really, thanks for your help then." "No problem. I wanted to become friends."

We looked at each other then laughed. "I guess we got more than we imagined huh?" "Indeed." He pulled me closer as we walked back into the building. Little did we know we were being watched from a distance.

I quietly wrote down his name in hopes of remembering. "Shinho...the name sounds familiar, but different..." I continued to write his name with different symbols. "Shinseo...?" I stared at the name. "Shinseo..." It felt too familiar for my liking.

I quickly hid the paper as Eric had entered the room. "Watching porn?" "Yes. Yes I was." He gave me a weird look before collapsing onto the bed. I couldn't possibly tell him I was consistently writing names over and over. He'd find it weird. I already found it weird.

"So, what were you watching? Twink gets his ass rammed by his daddy?" "Eric!" My face was burning. "Bold of you to assume I haven't watched it myself." I blinked rapidly as he started laughing hard. "Your expressions are priceless. Oh my god, I need to photograph them."

"It's not funny." He wouldn't stop laughing. "Stop..." I hid my face then heard his laughter cease. "Are you upset?" "Maybe..." I felt him wrap his arms around me then rest his head atop my own. "I'm sorry." "That's not enough." "Then what would be?"

"Kiss me." I felt him stiffen. Maybe I had asked too much if him. "I'm joking. Apology accepted." "Sunwoo, sit up." I reluctantly did as he asked then felt him turn my seat around. "What? I already accepted your apology." "You don't look happy." "What do you mean?"

He pointed to my eyes. "They're sad." "No they're not..." He straddled me then searched my face. "What?" "Nothing." We has been in this position before, but now feels completely different than back then. Maybe it was the desire that loomed around us.

I connected my lips with his and felt relieved when he gave me entrance. I felt my hunger rising the longer I kissed him. I left his lips and started to leave kisses along his jawline then his neck. He wasn't resisting either. "Eric..." "Yeah?"

I quietly looked at him then briefly bounced him on my lap. "Sunwoo..." "We don't have to." "I may live dangerously, but condoms are a must. Diseases just ain't it, you know?" "You just called me diseased." "I did not." We bickered back and forth for at least a minute.

"Okay, fine. I'm sorry. I could have worded it better." "Thank you." I sighed as the mood had completely vanished. Maybe it was for the best. "We should get going..." "We're in the clear?" He nodded as he slid off my lap. I missed his warmth.

We arrived at his home and I felt a shiver go down my spine. "Is your dad home?" "He shouldn't be." He opened the door then walked in. I followed behind him, still feeling worry inside me. "Are you sure he's not?" "Yes, I'm sure."

He sat me down on his bed then left the room. I sighed then looked out the window. I then heard the door close. "Eric?" I looked towards the door then froze. "You're not Eric." "Certainly not." He slowly approached me and I looked around for something to use.

"Sunwoo, why did you lock the door?" He kept my mouth covered while pinning me to Eric's bed. "Not a word." I tried pushing him off, but his strength was greater than mine. "As long as you comply with everything I say, you won't get hurt."

I stayed quiet as Eric continued to bang on the door. "Good boy..." I was scared. His touch made my skin crawl. I felt disgusting. "You're really soft..." He ran his hands under my shirt causing me to shudder terribly. I wanted him to stop.

"Please..." His hands stopped roaming my body. He stared down at me. "Did you just say something?" I shook my head then felt relieved that he didn't press further. "Sunwoo, open the door!" I shut my eyes and said little prayers in hopes that it wouldn't go as far as penetration.

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