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"Seunghyun?" He dragged me back into the classroom then sat me down. "Tell me everything." "They figured out your combination and started going through your locker. Then Seunghyun jumped in to stop them. They started beating up on him. I jumped in without thinking..."

I could see the anger boiling up inside him. I felt bad for telling him. I should've kept quiet. "Names?" "Choi Junghan, Song Kyungso, and Ton Imjung." "They're dead." "Don't kill them!" We looked at each other in surprise of my raised voice. "I didn't mean it literally..."

"Oh, I wasn't sure if you did or not..." He chuckled then ruffled my hair. It was a new gesture for me to experience. I kind of liked it. "I don't want to be arrested you know, but I'll make sure they pay." A light bulb went off in his head. "Rumor." "Rumor?"

"Imjung has a girlfriend. If we can get her to meet up with some other guy and stage photos..." "What if it gets out of hand?" "Just trust me. I know exactly what I'm doing..." His expression became scary and I felt bad for those who crossed the line.

A week had gone by and Eric hadn't pulled anything, at least that's what I thought then. The bell rang and students filed out of the classroom. It was only moments before an argument broke out. I stepped out of the room and confirmed the argument to be further down the hall.

I felt someone hold me back then saw Eric come into view. "Why-" He shushed me then pulled me towards the stairs. We were soon on the roof and peered over the ledge. A male student emerged followed by two more. A girl was pulling them both back but was dragged along.

Soon a group was down below and a fight ensued between the two guys. "Are those...?" "Indeed. They're going to pay. Once they find out it was a rumor, the last part of my plan will activate." "You mean, who gets blamed?" "Yep. The poor sucker will be..."

He seemed to be searching then pointed to a guy who was holding the girl back. "Junghan. Turns out Junghan and Sangjin have been going behind Imjung's back anyway." "Then why didn't you frame Junghan?" "More drama." "You're evil..." "They messed with the wrong guy. Simple."

We decided to head back to our classes as a few teachers had appeared below. "See you after school?" "Of course. I've been paying attention in class by the way. I don't quite get it all, but I'm able to keep up." "That's great!" "Thanks, Sun..."

He hid his face from my sight as we walked to his class. "No problem. I'm sure your story will become even better when you start inputting new vocabulary." "And you'll get to be the first to see the newest additions..." "I feel honored." He smiled at me widely.

I had never seen him smile that big before. Not unless he was causing trouble in school. I felt I was making a breakthrough. I turned around and was face to face with my aunt. "Now what?" "I'm warning you, don't interact with him anymore." "And what if I refuse?"

"I'll have to start behavior modification..." "That's sounds so scary." I rolled my eyes then shoved her aside. I sometimes wondered what it'd be like if I sudden disappeared. Would she bother to look for me? Maybe she'd feel better since she wouldn't have to care for me.

She never liked my father anyway. I looked out the window then noticed a car parked outside the school. I had never seen it before. It looked pretty cool. I kept walking to my next class lost in thought.

I waited by my locker then started to wonder if he left. I waited a bit longer before deciding to go home. "Eric! Wait!" "Sun...?" "Sorry, she wouldn't let me go. Let's hurry." He grabbed my wrist then dragged me out the school.

I jokingly moved his hold to my hand and was surprised to feel him hold on tighter. "Sun-" "We're here." He was still holding my hand. "Sun-" He walked up the steps then reached for his keys. "Oh." He let my hand go then searched for his keys. "There we go. Ladies first."

I elbowed him in his side in response to his joke. "You jerk." "For your information, I am a handsome jerk." We finally reached his door and I was greeted by a familiar scent. "Go set up. Do you want anything specific?" "Nah."

We sat side by side as I attempted problems on my own. "Eric..." I hummed in response as I finally reached an answer. "Did you feel like you were being followed?" I put my pencil down then looked at him. "No. Why?" "No reason." He was obviously lying to me.

"Talk to me." "I'm just paranoid. That's all." "You wouldn't bring it up if that's all it was." He frowned as he pushed his food around. "I felt like someone was watching me the entire time..." "The whole trip here?" "Yeah..." He seemed a bit shaken about it.

"I'm sure it's nothing." "Maybe you're right." "I'll secretly follow you home tomorrow and be lookout. How does that sound?" "Reassuring." I ruffled his hair as I noticed he had taken a liking to it. "Alright, back to work." He fed me some rice before turning back to his own work

I woke up the next day then groaned in dissatisfaction. I looked at the time and nearly jumped out of bed. I was late. He didn't wake me up like he said he would. I should've known better than to rely on him for anything. I quickly gathered my things then hurried to the shower.

I ran as fast as I could, despite knowing that getting there faster wouldn't change anything. I finally arrived at school then prepared to get lectured on being punctual. I pushed open the door and was greeted only by the cream of the door. The halls were empty.

I went to my locker and gathered the books I'd need for the rest of the day. I headed upstairs then entered my classroom farther down the hall. No one made a sound as she'd continued to teach. It was weird. "Please take your seat, Mr. Sohn." "Yeah..."

The atmosphere in the room felt different and uncomfortable. I raised my hand to answer a question then noticed no one else had raised theirs. The teacher didn't bother to call on me. She turned back around and continued to teach. I lowered my hand then sighed in annoyance.

The rest of class continued like this, with me being ignored by everyone. The bell rang and I quickly packed my things then ducked into the boys' restroom. I went on the school website in hopes of finding out anything. Nothing seemed to appear. Was it done in secret?

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