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I looked around for Eric as I jogged around. I doubted he was familiar with the area and might've gotten lost. I dialed his number and waited. And waited. And waited. No answer. I tried multiple times, then finally got through. "Where are you?"

I peeked into the store and saw his smaller figure looking at keychains while on the phone. "I'm hanging up now." I hung up then watched as he sighed. He looked upset and unhappy. I pushed the door open then saw Eric look in my direction.

"You got here quick..." "I'm familiar with the area." He didn't lift his head to talk to me. "Eric..." "What?" "Why did you run away?" "I needed air." I frowned. It seemed as if I'd have to drag the truth out of him. "That can't be all." "It's the truth."

"I'll have you sleep outside if you don't tell me the truth." "Then I'll sleep outside." He was being unnecessarily stubborn. "I'll drop out of school and become a drug dealer then." He started to laugh. "Your threats are adorable." I was annoyed. "Just tell me you midget."

"What did you call me?" "A midget." He dragged me outside then hit my arm. Twice in the same spot. "Don't you dare call me that again." "Only if you tell me." He rolled his eyes then turned away from me. "I'm scared. I don't know anything anymore."

His tone was sad and it cracked a few times. Was he going to cry? "I just...I don't know what to do. I'm feeling so much and I always believed I was straight. But I just look at you and I melt. I want to hug you and kiss you and-" He broke down in tears.

"I've never felt this way before...I'm so scared, Sunwoo." I gently wiped his face. "I'm scared too...I've never felt this way either...I hadn't felt that rush, that excitement since Chisoo. And it all cane back when we kissed." I wasn't sure if it was okay to hold him.

He suddenly buried his face in my chest as he continued to sob. "Did you just confess to me...?" "I could ask you the same thing, Eric." We remained silent as we stood there in front of the store. "If you want, we can try this dating thing for real...?"

He looked up at me as he wiped his face. "I don't know...I...I think I need time..." "Then we'll wait." "Can I get a hug...?" I wrapped my arms around him then swayed around in a circle. "Feeling better?" "Somewhat." "Let's head and get some sleep. Refresh our minds and bodies."

He silently reached for my hand then stuffed it in his jacket pocket. "Let's not sleep on the floor..." "Sounds good." "And can we talk about my story?" "You have it with you?" "Yeah...Seung told me to bring it..." "Then I can't wait to see your new additions."

I watched him quietly as he read it. "It's so weird that I can relate heavily to this story." "Is that so..." I wasn't sure when I'd tell him about it being based off of us. I decided to say something now, I had hidden it long enough. "Sunwoo..."

"Yep?" He looked at me so innocently. "Don't look like that..." "Like what?" "That..." "Well sorry for my natural face." I rubbed my cheek then sighed. "I have a confession." "Go on." I held the story then smiled softly. "This story is based off of us."

"Really...?" "Yeah...I made it more dramatic I guess." "I figured it was based off of us. It basically retold everything, but more extra." I laughed then felt his hand on my back. "I really like it, but I do have a question." "Shoot." "When will it end?" I didn't have an answer.

"Well, you don't have to answer now. Let's get some sleep." He placed my papers off the side then turned his back to me. "Goodnight..." "Sleep tight." I snuggled further into the blanket then stared at the ceiling. I couldn't sleep.

I tried different methods, but none of them seemed to work. Sunwoo turned over in his sleep then rested his arm on my stomach. I gently moved it then turned away from him. "Eric..." The hairs on my body rose as his low raspy voice filled my ears.

"Yes...?" "Can't sleep?" "I can, just...late night thinking." I felt him pull me close to the point that my back was against his chest. "Try now..." I closed my eyes then felt the rhythm of his chest rising and deflating. Without even realizing, I had been lulled to sleep.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw red. It was Sunwoo's shirt. I sat up then felt his arm slid off of me. I rubbed my eyes in hopes of getting rid of the sleepiness. I yawned then heard the door open. "Oh, one of you is awake. Great." She looked too happy this morning.

"Well, there's food in the kitchen if you're hungry. Sunwoo knows where everything is, so..." I frowned. I hated this place. "I'm off to school. Rest well you two." She closed the door, causing Sunwoo to turn in his sleep. I felt threatened by her presence.

I silently watched TV as I ate. "There you are." He sat down next to me with his own plate. "Here I am." I wasn't in the mood for talking, and I was happy that he could understand that, or so I thought. "So, are we clear to go back to your place today?"

I didn't answer him. "Do we need to stay another day...?" I turned up the volume on the television. "Eric, say something." "Something." I swiftly dodged his attempts to hit me. "Why are you being difficult so early?" I stayed quiet. "Fine."

I sighed then turned off the TV. He hadn't come out of the room for a while. I cracked the door open then a bit more to see better. "Sunwoo?" No answer. "Sunwoo?" No answer. I opened the door then frowned. He wasn't in the room. I checked everywhere. He wasn't in the house.

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