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"They sound really nice. Do you think they'll help us?" "I don't think so. I think their father blinded them with the promise of money." I looked at my dad who had a somber expression. "Such good kids..." "Maybe I can get through to them. They liked me a lot right?"

"You can try..." Their faves clearly said that they didn't have faith in my plan. "I doubt you all have a better idea. Just trust me." "Do you need us to do anything?" "Let us have our space. Now, when does Shinseo come back?" "In about an hour."

We sat apart then heard a door open. "Hey." "Hey." He squatted by me then held my face. He turned it side to side slowly before letting go. "You're fine." "Wait." He stopped moving. "What?" "Can we talk about the old days? It's been too long since we've seen each other."

"I don't have time." "Please?" "After I check on them." I quietly waited as he glanced over my family. It was weird that he treated me better. "Alright, what is it that you want to talk about?" "I could never understand how we got along so well. What do you think?"

"Chemistry I guess." I nodded then scooted closer. He didn't move. That was a good sign. "How's school? Got a lot of friends?" "I guess. Shinho is annoying as always." "Does he cramp your style?" "Finally, someone who gets it." I was slowly getting to him.

"So, hows your parents' relationship?" "Awful. Mom wants to divorce dad because of this whole ordeal." "How do you feel about it?" He frowned. "I don't really care about anything except the money in the end." "I see..." "What?" "Oh, nothing." "Tell me."

"It's just, what if...they're double crossing you?" I had him. I saw the brief flicker of doubt in his face. "Shut up, they wouldn't." "You never know." He stood up then left quickly. That should be enough. "Wow, when did you learn this?" "I guess from Eric..."

"Who's Eric?" "A trouble student. He was trying to influence our precious Sunwoo." "Well, his influence might just get us out of here." I smirked as my aunt huffed. "I guess you have a point..." I yawned then felt my mom bump me. "Get some rest. We'll keep you safe."

We laughed as Dongil emptied his locker. "Good riddance." We walked away then felt someone drape their arms over us. "Seung!" She gave him a kiss on the cheek then giggled. The hole in me grew. "Really, thank you Eric. Now we can all get some peace of mind."

"Anything for my friends." We pushed open the doors that led outside. "Are you going to go find Sunwoo now?" "Yeah. He's probably all alone..." My heart hurt at the thought. "Well, why are you still here? Go." She pushed me forward then gestured for me to go.

I hurried home and quickly unlocked the front door, not bothering to take off my shoes. I unlocked his chest then took a few bills. I stuffed it in my pocket then hurried to the train, not bothering to lock the door.

Who would be home at this time? Who would answer if people were home? I had never met Shinseo nor their parents. I started to worry. If only I had Shinho's contact info. I unlocked my phone then went to my gallery. I started to go through the photos I took with Sunwoo.

I stopped at the one we had staged to fool his aunt. Strange how something that was fake then could now be told as true. I ran my fingers over the photo then grabbed at my heart. I couldn't help but think of his smiling face. I missed Sunwoo, my partner in crime.

I got off at the stop then made my way to their home. Dusk had long since settled in as I hurried along. I started creating scenarios in my mind for whoever answered the door.

I collected myself then rang the doorbell. "How can I help you?" "I was told that family of Kim Sunwoo lives here? He hasn't been to school, and his aunt seems to be away. Would you happen to know where he is?" "No." He closed the door in my face.

I rang the bell again, but was met with a younger face. "Shi-" He closed the door behind him then ushered me up the block a bit. "Why are you here at this time of night?" "To find my boyfriend." It easily rolled off my tongue. I was going to have to get used to it at this point.

"He's not with you?" "No." "They went behind my back..." "What a loving family, hm? They say family will always have you back, but is that necessarily true?" Manipulating him would be a walk in the park. I wondered if his brother would be just as easy.

"Also, Shinseo and my dad frequent the basement a lot. I don't know what they're doing down there. For all I know they could be watching porn." "I'd rather not have that mental image." "Sorry." "Has your brother always had a soft spot for Sunwoo?" "Yeah."

"Ever since our aunt first brought him over, Shinseo couldn't get enough of him." "What about you?" "I couldn't care less. I don't have interest in babies. Ah, it's getting late. I need to get back. Here." He took out a pen and wrote on my hand. "My number."

He placed something cool in my hands. "Go stay at our grandma's. No one will be over there anymore." "Thanks?" "I just want this madness to be over. His grandparents left the money for Sunwoo only. It was even stated in the will. My family is ridiculous..."

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