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Just as he started pulling my boxers down, the door suddenly swung open. "What the fuck!?" I stayed put as Eric shoved his father off of me. "Why are you here? Why aren't you at fucking work or something?" "You know I work at home from time to time."

I quietly fixed myself up then moved towards the door. "No, I don't know. You don't tell me shit." I watched them bicker back and forth then quietly gasped as he slapped Eric hard. You could probably hear it all the way in America. "You need to learn your place."

"You expect me to stay quiet when you were basically about to rape my...my boyfriend?" I bit my lip to keep myself from letting out a weird noise. Boyfriend. I knew he probably didn't mean it, but that didn't keep me from feeling happy. "Does it look like I fucking care?"

"This is my roof and my rules. I can do whatever the hell I want." "Why are you so fucking disgusting? Do you know how ashamed I am to have you as a father? Do you even care that other kids in my school push me away cause of this as well?" I felt like I was watching a drama.

"If I ever cared about you, I wouldn't have done such terrible things to you. I wish she took you with her. You're such a fucking burden." No matter how tough Eric was, something like that hurts deep. "I'm the burden huh? So if I died right now? You wouldn't care?"

"Not one bit." He pushed Eric aside then glanced at me before leaving the room. I looked back at Eric who hadn't moved from his spot. "E-" "Now you see the true side of us..." I slowly approached him then placed a hand on his back. "I have no hope left for him, for us."

"Do you really think you can't get through to him...?" "No one can get through to that sick fuck. Why would anyone want to?" I soon hugged him from behind. He was shaking. "I hate him with every fiber of my being...but I care..." "Why?"

"Because, he's my father...I wouldn't be here without him. And even though he had many chances to get rid of me, he didn't. That shows he cares, even if it's just a little. I can't disregard everything he's done." He had a point. Even if his dad was awful, he still kept him.

"I'm sure one day you'll understand each other." He turned around in my arms then hugged me. I pretended to not notice him crying. I waddled is over to his bed then let us fall onto it. "Let's get some rest." "But he's still here..." "I'll lock the door."

I found myself nestled into his chest as he rubbed my back. I'd be lying if I said I didn't like it. "I'm not sure if now is a good time to ask..." "What is it?" "When you two were arguing...did you really mean it when you said boyfriend...?"

I bit my lip as I closed my eyes. I had forgotten. "I'm just wondering...you don't have to answer..." Did I really mean it? I wasn't even sure myself. It had just rolled off my tongue. I started to feel guilty as I was probably feeding him false hope. "I'm sorry..."

"It's fine. May I ask one more thing?" "Shoot." "Can we stop by my apartment? I need my books and uniform..." I sat up and he followed suit. "We can go now." "Great." He slid off the bed then headed for the door. "Hey, wait for me. He's still here."

We arrived at his apartment building and I started to feel nostalgic. "Let's quickly go in and out. They may still be after you." He nodded then quickly entered the building. We took the elevator up then walked to his door. He slowly opened the door then pushed it open.

It looked the exact same way I had last seen it. I closed the door behind me then went to her bedroom in hopes of finding something that I couldn't last time. I rummaged through her drawers then found a small notebook. It had small pieces of paper stuck in it.

As I flipped through it, I heard the door close. Did Sunwoo leave before me thinking I had left? I poked my head out and all was silent. "Sunwoo?" No answer. I checked his room, but he wasn't there. I walked to the living room and saw his books were missing.

"I guess he's waiting..." I went back for the small notebook then walked to the front door. I opened it and expected to see Sunwoo waiting for me. He wasn't there. Panic slowly rose inside me as I hoped he was downstairs waiting. I quickly went down the stairs with that hope.

I arrived in the lobby then felt my heart sink. He wasn't there. I called his phone and it instantly went to voicemail. I didn't expect them to strike back so soon. I hurried out the building in hopes of finding them before they disappeared.

I panted heavily as I came to a stop. They were long gone. Something told me that he wouldn't be in the same place he was kept before. Would they hold him hostage in their home or somewhere else like before? I placed my hope in Shinho, hoping he'd know something about it.

I found myself entering school grounds the next day. I felt eyes on me as I walked the halls. It felt different. It wasn't the usual he's trouble looks, they were more i know your secret looks. I looked at them and they swiftly turned away. What had happened while I was away?

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