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"Any other genius ideas, Eric?" "Yep." I took him to an old friend's home. "You've got to be kidding me." Music could be hear coming from the inside. The door opened and we were let in. "A party?" "Why not?" The place reeked of alcohol and weed.

"Don't touch anyone or anything. Don't eat and don't drink. Unless you want to get high and wasted at the same time." "I'm good..." He held onto me as I pushed my way through. "Eric!" "Jorin." We did our handshake then she handed me a cup. "Not tonight."

"So, who's this guy?" "A new friend. Showing him the night life." She snorted. "It's great, man. Stick with Eric and you'll be exposed to all sorts of things." She then made gestures with her hands. "Jorin..." "What? You think I forgot what you and-"

I clamped my hand over her mouth. "That's enough. Go mingle with your drunk friends." "Ah, but you came here for something." "Yes, but-" She dug into her bra then handed me a flash drive. "I know it wasn't for this, but since you're here." "Thanks..."

We finally left and I never felt so alive. "What time is it?" "1:34am." "Bro..." We looked at each other then smiled. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" "Skipping school?" "Definitely." I had never skipped before. A part of me worried, but he gently took my hand.

"I don't think you're ready. We should get you home..." "Eric, it's-" He placed a finger on my lips. "Pull out maps and type your address." I did as I was told and we started making our way back. "This was a wild night..." "Very." "By the way, what's on the drive?"

"Oh...I'll show you later." The lights around us were flickering, and I started to feel unsafe. "Sun?" "I don't feel okay..." The sound of something scraping the ground was heard. It sounded as if it was coming from my left side. "Eric..." "Let's keep moving."

The sound wouldn't stop. I looked behind me and was relieved that nothing was there. I then felt myself being jerked to the side. "Eric!" He held me firmly by the wrist as he and whoever it was played tug of war with me. The scraping sound grew louder.

I quickly moved my elbow back and heard a grunt while being released. We dashed down the block and the scraping sound grew fainter. "Sunwoo-" "Just keep moving." I didn't want to think about it. Someone was clearly after me. If only I knew why.

We sat on the steps of his home as we caught our breath. "You're staying over with me. I swear, I'll protect you from my dad. He's the lesser of two evils..." "I'm trusting you..." He opened the door and quietly moved about. I followed suit.

I sat on his bed as he rummaged around. "What are you looking for?" "Something to keep us together...Oh!" He left the room then came back holding string. "Can't he just cut it?" "It's thin, so he'll miss it at first. But hopefully he'll be knocked out cold tonight."

"Are you sure you're okay with this...?" He rested his head on my chest as he lied on top of me. "Positive." I slowly wrapped my arms around him then felt him tense up. "No?" "It's...fine." I held him a bit tighter then closed my eyes. His warmth was strangely soothing to me.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw the other side of the room. I looked down and saw that my face was buried in his hair. He was still in my arms. I gently moved myself away as I woke myself up. It was close to 7. "Eric..." He didn't move. "Eric..." Motionless.

I pinched his ass then received a negative response from him. It did wake him up nonetheless. "Sunwoo..." "What?" "Did something nip my ass?" "Maybe so." His bed hair was kind of cute. "What time is it..." "A little after 7." He yawned as he slid out of bed and tugged me along.

"Oh shit. We're tied together..." He grabbed scissors from his dresser then cut me loose. "There. I'm not sure if you could fit my clothes..." "Better than nothing." "Go start the shower. Actually, no, you pick out the clothes, I'll start the shower."

I had two neat piles of clothes laid out on the bed. "Come on, water's warm." "Are you saying we shower together? Together?" "Yeah, we have the same shit, plus it saves water." "I-" "Fine, just hand me the clothes." I picked up both piles then followed him to the bathroom.

I dried my hair as I looked in the mirror. "Wasn't bad, right?" "Right." It really wasn't all that bad. "Ah, my phone." I checked my face as he answered the call. "Seunghyun? Yeah, I'm home. You did-Idiot. I'm hanging up." "Eh, what's wrong?" "Seunghyun fucked up again."

He quickly got dressed then left the bathroom. He poked his head back in. "Hurry up so we can leave." "Sorry."

I opened the door to the roof then walked to the backside of the building. "E-" I hit him. "What did I tell you huh?" "Y-" "It was rhetorical." My heart hurt as I looked at him. "I told you not to even mention me at home nor around family. We both know they hate me."

"And now look at you. Kicked out of your own home." "It was an accident." "I'm sure it was." I sat down next to him then sighed. He leaned against me then played with my fingers. "Hankung broke up with me yesterday. Said she didn't love me anymore."

"Really...?" "I was going to tell you last night, but I didn't want to disturb your sleep." I gently patted his head. "You're going through a lot..." "Yeah...You know Dongil?" "One of your friends, yeah." "He's blaming me for what Weusang did."

"What happened?" "Weusang stole money from him. He was planning to buy Hankung a new shirt or something." I frowned. "How close are Hankung and Dongil?" "Uh, good friends I guess." "I think there's something more at work." He lifted his head off my shoulder.

"You mean...?" "Hankung dumped you for Dongil." "She wouldn't. I'm way better than him. I'm a humble guy! Dongil is so sleazy!" "Is he really?" "Okay, only sometimes, but I'm so much better." "Maybe he has something you lack." "Like what?" I shrugged.

"I don't know what her heart wants." He rested his head back on my shoulder then sighed. "Can we blow off school?" "You certainly cannot. Your parents will behead you. Now get to class." "What about you?" "I have work to do." I let a smirk form on my lips.

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