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I pushed open the front door then searched for a light switch. I changed my mind as it would bring attention to the house. I carefully felt my way around, hoping to make it up the stairs in one piece. I took cautious steps as I ascended the stairs.

I eventually found a bedroom then looked around. It was simple. I flopped onto the bed then closed my eyes. I didn't realize how tired I was until now. I should've closed the door that night.

I woke up and found myself sneezing and scratching my body. "Oh god..." My skin was red and blotchy. My nose was in immense pain. I was having an allergic reaction. "But I don't see it anywhere..." It soon darted out from under the dresser and out the door.

"Little shit-" As much as I wanted to kill it, I wasn't in any condition to do so. It must've been close to me in order to do this much damage to me. It seemed as if the world was trying to keep me away from him. "Guess he'll have to wait..."

I coughed quietly as someone had opened the door. It wasn't Shinseo. "Getting cozy down here huh?" He approached me. I hid myself from his sight. "Don't want to talk to your uncle huh?" "You're not an uncle. Uncles don't do things like this to people."

"Eh, seems like they raised you right. Anyway, none of you will be leaving until you cough up the account details." "I guess we'll be here for the rest of our lives." "You're so stubborn and selfish!" "You're the selfish one! And you're trying to be a thief!"

They bickered back and forth before he finally got physical. "Mom!" "She's fine. You act as if I hit her with a metal pipe." He soon left and we all scooted over to check on her. "It's fine. Just stings." "Men should never hit a woman. And vice versa."

"That's no man, that's a creature." I looked at my dad who seemed the most concerned out of all of us. "Sunwoo, we need you to convince Shinseo stat." "I'll try, but I don't know how effective it'll be..." The door opened and we scattered. "It's Shinseo."

He checked the others before coming over to me. "Shinseo, hey." "Hey. Are you getting enough?" "No, not really." "I'll bring more then." "Shinseo, you have to get us out of here. Your dad is beating us." His eyes widened. "He's what?" "Yes. You believe me, right?"

"Yeah, for the most part. Tell you what, I'll go ask-" "No!" "No?" "I don't want you to get hurt. Don't ask him anything. Just free us soon. Please." I pretended to cry. "I want my normal life back. I miss my friends." He was eating up my garbage acting.

"Okay...But it'll have to be in the dead of night. I'll get Shinho to help." "Thank you, Shinseo. This is why I love you the most. I'd hug you but..." He hugged me instead. "I'm sorry lil cuz...I never thought we'd get you involved..."

Night had fallen and I found myself being roused from slumber. I felt a hand roaming my body, causing me to be on alert. "It's just me. I'm trying to find your restraints." He eventually found them and began to free me. I was soon able to stand stretch out.

I helped him free my family then gave him a hug. "Thank you so much. You really are the best." I followed them upstairs then noticed Shinho wasn't with us the entire time. Just as I went to step out the door, I was pulled back and shut off from my family. "Sh-" He silenced me.

I found myself in his room sitting on his bed as he went through his drawer. "Why?" "Isn't it obvious? I can't let go of you." He pulled out clothes then handed them to me. "Go take a shower." "How are you so sure I won't run?" "I know you."

He ended up following me into the bathroom anyway. "Can I undress in private?" "As if I hadn't changed your diapers." I frowned as I slowly stripped. "Can you at least turn around? It's embarrassing." "Eh, but you have such a nice body." He reminded me of Eric's dad.

My symptoms had mostly disappeared and I was able to move around. I decided to text Shinho and see what was going on. "They're gone...?" I quickly asked about Sunwoo. "He's still there..." I was ready to throw down with Shinseo.

"You're here." "Where's his room?" "Up there. I need to get going. Class is in half an hour. Lock up when your done and leave the keys here." "Got it." He closed the door and I made my way upstairs. I opened the door and saw Sunwoo sitting on the bed. "Sun?"

"What are you doing here?" "Why else would I be here?" "But he-" The door opened. "Who are you and how did you get in?" "None of your business. Now if you don't mind, I'm taking him with me." "Not if you can't get past me." "Please, don't-"

I sat on top of him as I pinned his arms down. "Sun, run." I heard the door open and quick footsteps on the stairs. "I don't know what your deal is, but Sunwoo belongs to me only. I don't want to see any of you near him again, or else I'll end you." I meant every word I said.

I hit him in the face then stepped on his chest a few times. "Next time, I'll make sure I'm armed." I walked out the room then hurried out to meet Sunwoo. "Eric!" "Later." I grabbed his hand and ran far from the house.

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