Chapter forty- five

Start from the beginning

"Don't worry." I say, but deep inside, sending my sister down is something I don't want to do so badly. Alicia just can't die. I don't want her scared either. And if one of those belts snap. It's going to be the end. Of everything. 

"Alicia! It's not that high! I'll catch you!" Kimberly shouts from below. I lean out the window.

"Hold the end of the rope!" I shout, Kimberly does. I help Alicia get on the rope. She sits on the windowsill, both hands clutching the first belt tightly. 

"I- I can't do it."

"Imagine this being the ground, you're just crawling on a line on the ground." I suggest.  I lower the rope, hesitantly so that my sister's legs are dangling.

"No!" She screams. "I'm gonna let go!"

"No you're not!" I grab ahold of one of her fists. I tear it from the iron grip and make it hold the second belt. "Keep going, Alicia, you're fine." She takes a deep breath, and does, left hand, right hand, left hand, right hand. 

"Good!" I call to her. "Perfect! You're doing it right!" That's when Alicia slips. She shrieks. My heart skips a beat, but she holds on firmly again. She rests her head on the rope. Her brown pony tail bobs, as she makes each small little step down, and by the time she gets down to Kimberly, she's out of breath. Kimberly grabs Alicia's waist and pried her off the rope. 

Alicia has made it.

"Good job!" I call down. Kimberly is comforting her, smiling at her, something I've never seen her do. I smile a little, myself. Just to realize that the robbers must've heard Alicia's shriek. 

"Is somebody here!?" The woman shouts. I have limited time. My brain stops functioning for a second, but then I know the fast way down, I start grabbing the entire belt chain up, until the entire thing is in the room with me again. The robber tries to jiggle my door open. My heart beat is so loud I'm afraid she can hear it. I tie one end of the rope as tightly as possible to the metal bar of Alicia's bed, then holding to the other side of the rope, I take a deep breath, and leap out the open window, face first.

My hands hold the rope in an iron grip, praying that it won't snap. But soon, my worries fade. I'm flying, and this is awesome. This is fun. My hair is flying all around my face, but I'm having the time of my life. I smile. Then, in midair, my body turns and I'm facing the sky, my back to the ground, I don't scream, keeping the feeling inside me.

That's when the rope snaps. Not in half, but the last belt, the one I'm holding on to, detaches from the rest of the chain. I can't breathe. I fall faster, I can't see the ground behind me, but I can see Alicia's bedroom window getting farther and farther.

 I know I'm going to die, I fall until suddenly two pairs of hands grab me, my weight makes them drop me, but they caught me first, Kimberly and Alicia, each on either side of me. When I fall on the ground, on my back, it doesn't hurt very much. I just feel a tiny bit paralyzed. I slowly get up.

"Molly!" Alicia shrieks. They are both staring at me, I am still holding that one belt in my hand.

"That- "I start to regain my voice. "That was awesome." Kimberly laughs.

"Well," She says. "We all got out, let's run!" I get up, feeling wobbly. I run anyways, the three of us barrel into the woods of my creepy backyard.

But we're not alone. The four apparitions are running too. 

"Eleanor!" I shout and run over to her. Kimberly and Alicia are too busy running to hear my voice.

"It's happening again!" She cries terrified. She looks so scared, I feel even more scared.

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