I smile back at my sister but it is forced, of course it is forced because i don't want her to take Hailie away today and she once again looks dreadful. She looks like she has not slept in days and after the way she has been carrying on lately with her drinking habits and her unhealthy need to party all of the time she probably hasn't. "Joan is right, you are here early"

"I know" She fidgets on the spot. Her fingers are playing with the zip of her jacket and she is trying to look everywhere but at my face- refusing eye contact. "I thought that i better come and get Hailie from you, you must be sick of the sight of her"

"Not at all, i quite like having her here actually and so do the girls" I am smiling falsely again and Joan awkwardly squeezes passed me and disappears back into the kitchen where i can hear her telling Cheryl that Amy is here. "So why are you picking her up now? I know that she'll love to go home but it's not like you to come and get her so early in the morning"

Amy shrugs her shoulders. It is not like her to come and get her at all. Normally i have to take Hailie back to her but i don't mention that, not today. Amy is glancing over my shoulder now at the sound of childish laughter and 'baby shark' being sung by Garry in the most ridiculous voice i have ever heard. "I've missed her and Johnny thought that you could probably do with a break"

Not believing a word of it i lead her into the kitchen where Hailie does not even look at her mum stood beside me, she is too busy telling me that she has been a good girl. "All gone" She is saying excitedly as she shows me her clear plate but her smile soon vanishes from her little face when Amy announces that she is going to take her home. "Do you want to stay for a coffee?" Cheryl offers kindly but Amy declines her offer like she is in a rush to get somewhere. Cheryl is looking at me and reading my mind. Just last night i was telling her that i was dreading giving Hailie back, it is almost like i jinxed it. Maybe i should have kept it to myself.

"Why are you taking Hailie away?" Paisley asks with concern. She loves her only cousin and  has grown used to having her here. She is obviously upset at the thought of her going away again because she is only young and doesn't understand why.  Amy smiles at her oldest niece that she once used to be close to and then at Hailie who does not return the smile.

"Because her daddy misses her and that's where she lives-"

"Well if she lives there, why is she here all of the time?" She asks innocently and Amy does not answer her. Sensing that it would be best to leave us to it Joan and Garry take Alaina and Paisley upstairs after saying goodbye to Hailie and Amy. Cheryl stays with me and Hailie has got the gist of what is happening now and does not want to go.

"Auntie Kim!" Hailie is crying now and reaching out for me while wriggling in Amy's arms, trying to get free. She did the same when i saw her at Amy's new flat and Johnny picked her up. My heart isn't just breaking for my niece but for my little sister too. Amy is still young, she has no idea what she is doing with her life and she is trying her best to calm Hailie down and stop her from crying but nothing seems to work. She looks embarrassed so Cheryl holds a palm to Hailie's face, kisses her goodbye and then pulls Amy into a hug with Hailie squished between them. The reason she is saying goodbye is so she can go upstairs to Joan and the girls and leave Amy to me.

When Amy has said goodbye to Cheryl Hailie becomes almost hysterical because now she wants her auntie Cheryl who looked emotional as she went upstairs. Amy is still forcing a smile onto her face and making her voice as upbeat as she can as she talks to her upset daughter. "Daddy is so excited to see you, he's missed you"

"Auntie Chezza!" Hailie just screams in response. That's her new name for Cheryl and it normally makes me laugh whenever she says it but not today. It is taking all of my self control not to take Hailie off my sister and tell her that she is staying here with us because that is what i desperately want to do but that wouldn't be right. Amy is her mother and it wouldn't be fair.

CHIM - Life in the limelight SEQUELWhere stories live. Discover now