{One Batch, Two Batch}

Comenzar desde el principio

"What the hell? Why's yer boy already in there?" This only caught Andrea by surprise and she glared over at the Latino before snapping something unintelligible towards the archer and storming by him towards the shed she tucked herself against. She wasn't even bothered by Eevee's presence- though she was fairly certain none of them even knew she was there. With Andrea out of her line of fire, the brunette realigned her crosshairs with the forehead of the larger Latino and slipped her index into the loop of the trigger.

"One batch, two batch... penny and dime." Her walkie hissed with static for a few seconds before Daryl's voice echoed through- he was still working to keep her in the moments just in case she needed to take out a target because of the hidden tones of their voice that the others don't catch.

"Maybe I should go inside." Eevee started to match up the voices with the faces.

"The Governor thought it best if he and Rick spoke privately." This came from Mr. Mouse as he flipped open a small notebook and pushed up his glasses. Even from her distance she could see the air of superiority around him- he imagined himself to be the smartest person in the area. Not today, sweetheart.

"Who the hell are you?" Daryl snarls.

"Milton Mamet." Eevee and Daryl spoke in distant unison.

"Great. He brought his butler." Hershel stepped out of the car and right into her line of fire. She lowly growled and silently screamed for the elderly man to get out of her way.

"I'm his advisor." Eevee scoffed at the idea that the Governor took advice from anyone but the voices in his head. Hershel still impeded her sights, but now she was suspecting he was doing so on purpose.

"What kind of advice?" The Dixon was in the same disbelieving mood as her as he growled out his words.

"Planning. Biters. Uh... you know, I'm sorry. I don't feel the need to explain myself to the henchman." Evenorra grew tired of Hershel ruining her shot so she continued her travel up the shed and onto the roof. As she settled into her new perch, Daryl snarled at this mousy Milton Mamet.

"You better watch yer mouth, sunshine." This got the Latino to join in on the argument.

"Look if you and I are gonna be out here pointing guns at each other all day, do me a favor, shut your mouth." Eevee snorted at his tone and returned her scope to his brain.

"Say something else, puta, I fucking dare you."

"We don't need this." Hershel stepped in verbally this time. "If all goes south in there we'll be at each other throats soon enough." A few moments later the big front door rattled and Andrea stomped out, clearly pissed that the men had kicked her out of their meeting.

"I see they finally started to get serious with each other." Eevee called down to the woman. Andrea jumped and whipped around to find her, her icy eyes growing colder once she spotted the genius on the rooftop.

"What are you doing up there?"

"Having fun, what else? Your little pet attack dog is going to get his ass shot if he keeps running his mouth like he is." The woman huffed and turned to make her way towards the larger group of alpha males. She quickly got bored of her spot as sentry and clicked down the button to talk to Daryl.

"You boys done seeing who's bigger? I'm bored and holding a loaded gun." Her mouth curled into a wicked smirk as she watched the strangers start to look around for her. She spotted a walker starting to cross the street in the blind spot of the truck. Following the shuffling walker with her scope, she waited until it turned the corner and shambled towards Milton with grasping fingers before she took her shot. Blood and brain matter splattered across the door as the walker dropped to its knees and then flopped to the ground.

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