Chapter Fifty Nine

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~Two Months Later~

*Kurt's POV*

"Everything seems so perfect." I sighed happily and laid my head on Dave's lap.

"It is perfect. I'm married to you, we're famous, how could things get any better?" Dave said and then he leaned down, gently kissing my lips. I gently smiled against his lips.

"I love you." He said as he pulled away.

"I love you too." I said with a smile. I sat up and straddled him. I pressed my lips on his, roughly kissing him. He pulled his shirt, and then mine. I smiled gently on his lips and then kissed him deeply.

"Kurt and Dave in a box, naked naked oh my God." I heard Krist's voice sing as he came into the room. Dave pulled away, and glared at Krist.

"Really Krist? Really?" Dave groaned.

I chuckled and slipped my shirt back on. "You're such a good singer, Krist."

He smiled proudly. "Thanks, Kurt."

"Anyway, what's up?" Dave asked.

Krist grinned. "We have to go back on tour next Friday."


"And, I'm excited. Aren't you?" Krist said as he playfully punched my arm.

"Sure." Me and Dave said at the same time.

Sorry this chapter was so short. I just really wanted to update and saw I'm sorry I haven't updated in a long time.

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