Chapter Thirty Six~ Better Than Ever

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*Dave's POV*

"I feel... Fucking great!" Kurt said as he came into the room.

"What'd you do?"

"I'm officially off the heroin and I don't have to take the strips anymore, because my addiction is gone!" He cheered and kissed my lips.

"Are you kidding me?"

He shook his head. "Not at all, Davey."

I smiled and picked him up, swinging him around. "This is perfect."

"You know what else is perfect?" He whispered in my ear.


"You." He smiled and kissed my cheek.

"Look outside, it's snowing!" Kurt giggled.

I looked out the window and saw snow slowly fall onto the grass.

"I love snow." Kurt whispered.

"Oh my God, guys I busted my ass." Krist said as he came inside.

"What happened?" Kurt asked.

"I was running and I slid and fell. It hurt." Krist pouted.

Me and Kurt both started laughing. Krist looked at us with no expression and crossed his arms.

"It's not funny!" Krist said blushing. He covered his face with hands.

"Aw, look he's blushing!" Kurt laughed.

"I am not!" Krist chuckled.

I pulled Kurt on my lap and wrapped my arms around him. He rested his head on my shoulder and nuzzled my neck.

"You guys make me sick." Krist said slowly.

Kurt pouted.

"How?" I asked with a grin.

"You're like all lovey dovey all the time. You're just perfect together." He said with a shrug.

"Let's play in the snow." Kurt whispered in my ear. I grinned and nodded.


"Krist I'm going to kill you." Kurt said as he ran after Krist. Krist just dumped snow all down Kurt's shirt.

Krist was running in circles and laughing. He was making a weird face expression and then he slid and fell. "Shit." He sighed.

"Ha! You fell!" Kurt laughed.

"My ass!" Krist yelled.

"God, calm down, Krist." I whispered in a calm voice.

"Let's just go back inside. My fingers are about to frostbite." Krist said with a shiver.

I made a snowball and threw it at Krist. It hit his head, causing snow to go in his hair.

"Run." I whispered to Kurt. He nodded and we began to run back home with an angry Krist running behind us.

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