Chapter Thirty Nine~ I Knew It

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*Kurt's POV*

"Wake up, babe." I whispered in Dave's ear.

He opened his brown eyes and smiled at me. "Hey."

I pecked his lips. "Good morning."

"Good morning to you too." He said as he pulled me on his lap and sat up.

"Where's Krist?" He asked.

I shrugged. "I don't know. He's already gone."

"That's weird."

"Yeah. Maybe he wasn't feeling good or something. I don't know." I sighed.

Dave wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly. "I love you so much beautiful."

I smiled and kissed his lips. "I love you too."

He slowly ran his middle finger down my body and unbuttoned my jeans.



"D-don't." I moaned and he touched me.

"Don't what?"

"Don't stop."

He grinned and picked up his pace. I bit my bottom lip and closed my eyes.

*Krist's POV*

This is horrible. I can't like Kurt. No. No. No.

He's suppose to be my best friend. Nothing more than a best friend. I'm not suppose to have feelings for him. There's no way he'd have feelings for me. We're meant to be best friends and nothing else.

I had a dream about him, and every time I have a dream about someone I fall in love. And he's all I've been thinking about. I just feel like I want to be around him all the time.

Maybe I am liking him... But I shouldn't be! He loves Dave. Kurt and Dave are meant to be. They're perfect. Plus, Kurt loves Dave and I'd be a horrible friend to break them up. Also, their engaged.

I'm so stupid. How could I have gotten feelings for Kurt? This isn't suppose to be like this!

I can't tell him about this. I'll keep it a secret.

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