Chapter Forty Two~ It's All Okay. Hopefully.

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*Kurt's POV*

"Dave, please, wait!"

"Have you been cheating on me with Krist? Don't you dare lie to me!" He said with a tear running down his cheek. I hated seeing him like this.

"No, I swear on my life! Please, Dave. I can explain to you everything that happened. I promise I'm not lying."

He sighed. "Fine. Tell me."

"Okay. I woke up in Krist's bed. He was sitting in the corner of the room. He came over to me and sat with me on the bed. He started playing with my fingers and I knew something was bothering him so I asked what it was. Next thing I knew he was kissing me. I tried to push away, but he wouldn't let me." I said quickly.

He sighed. "Okay..."

"Do you believe me?" I asked as I looked into his brown eyes.

"Yeah I-"

"Good." I jumped up on him, wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. I kissed his lips deeply.

He lightly chuckled and pecked my nose. I kinda felt bad for snapping at Krist and pushing him. I mean, I'm all happy with Dave, while he has a broken heart.

"I'm worried about Krist." I sighed and jumped off Dave.

"He'll be okay."

"I don't know... I kinda snapped at him and pushed him. What if something bad happened to him? Oh shit, what if killed himself or-"

"Kurt, calm down. He's okay, he wouldn't so something like that."

"You never know."

"Kurt, stop freaking out. It's all okay, Krist wouldn't leave you."

"I don't know, Dave. What if he over drugged or-"

"Stop thinking like that! We'll go see him tomorrow. Let's go home."


Me and Dave laid around and watched movies, I was kinda waiting for a call from Krist but nothing happened. I am a little worried about him. I know how it is to be depressed.

Dave pressed his body on mine and kissed me deeply. I wasn't in the mood. I was too worried right now.

"What's wrong?" Dave asked when he pulled away.

"I'm just worried."

"Krist is okay, Kurt. I promise."

I nodded. "Okay."

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