Chapter Fifty Two~ Boxers and Socks

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*Dave's POV*

"I want to go to the library." Kurt groaned.

"For what?"

"Books. Duh."

"I hate reading." I complained.

"Well you don't have to read." He said shaking his head. "Please. Come with me."

I sighed. "Fine."

"I need a jacket. It's snowing outside." He said like I was stupid. I flicked his nose and tossed him a jacket.

"This is your jacket."


"Never mind." He said rolling his eyes and slipping it on.


"Oh my God stop reading." I whined.

"Shhhh." He whispered and continued to read.

I ran my finger down his chest but he just laid there. He was laying in bed with nothing but boxers and socks on. Ever since we went to the library, he has been reading.

"I am going to kill myself if you don't stop." I whined.

"Okay there's a gun in the closet. Rope in the basement. Knifes in the kitchen. Pills somewhere I don't know. Have fun."

"Kurt." I groaned.

"Okay, fine. I'll stop." He said putting his book down.

"Good. Now why are you in boxers?"

"I was going to masturbate." He whispered and began to rub his thighs and then his penis.

"Stop doing that."

He chuckled and kissed my nose. "I like to tease myself."


"Go find my guitar." He said.

"Where is it?"

He shrugged. "I don't remember. Help me find it. Please?"

"Okay. Let's go check the basement."

"No, I am not going in there." He stopped me.


"What if there's ghost and demons down there?"

"You're such a wussy." I said rolling my eyes.

"It's not in the basement." He simply said.

"Then where?"

"Maybe it's under the bed."

I looked under it. "It isn't here."

"Let's go look downstairs." Kurt said getting up from the bed. He looked adorable walking around in socks and boxers.

"I like those green boxers babe." I chuckled.

He smiled. "Thanks honey."

"You look so adorable." I grinned.

"I know I do." He winked.

"There's my guitar!" He exclaimed and ran to his guitar which was in the floor. He picked it up and strummed it.

"Kiss this kiss that, yeah." He sang.

"Well." I said then kissed his lips. I tried to kiss neck put he pulled away.

"You wish." He chuckled.

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