{On The Planet Earth}

Começar do início

Boot clicked down the concrete hallway after a few hours of soft hums and swaying. Eevee knee it was Rick coming to tell Daryl and her that he was leaving on his run with Michonne and Carl- the boy was going simply because he needed out of the prison, Eevee had convinced the cop of that much. He turned the final corner and paused with surprise when he made out the shape of Daryl curled around little Eevee as if he were an oversized coat.

"Morning, Officer." He softly smiled and tipped an imaginary hat towards her in a silent hello. "Heading out on your run?"

"Yeah, came to let you guys know so you can keep an eye on everyone. He asleep?" Eevee smirked and turned her head a fraction to check on the man draped over her shoulders.

"Yeah, we split shifts. Do you want me to wake him up?" Rick waved her offer away, he knew that the Dixon was running on fumes and needed as much sleep as possible.

"He's alright. As long as one of you knew, we'll be back by sundown."

"If not, burn the forest." They shared laughs at her similar joke from the farm. Rick said goodbye and vanished around the corner to go on his run with Carl and Michonne. A few minutes later, Daryl's soft snores stopped and Eevee knew he was awake despite his refusal to move.

"Do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti-do." She heard Beth start to warm up her voice to sing to Judith like she usually does.


"Isn't it pretty?" The blonde continues to sing her sentences to the baby, Eevee deciding to add in her own little commentary that the Greene couldn't hear.

"That's exceedingly simple. Do-mi-so-ti..."

"We're making music!" Eevee could feel as Daryl blew out quiet chuckles against her skin.

"What is the point? You're not making anything." She must've been loud enough because Beth's randomly sung sentences started to create a conversation with her own.

"Well, if it isn't anything, then why does it sound so good?"

"I suppose it's just interest... Do-mi-so-do... Devoid of substance or purpose, a hypothetical pattern... Do-mi-so-ti. For the satisfaction of bringing it to completion!"


"Do-mi-so-ti...  Interest without meaning? Solutions without problems?"

"And then you just add words. Here's what I have been working on:
Life and death and love and birth,
And peace and war on the planet Earth
Is there anything that's worth more
Than peace and love on the planet Earth?
Oh - Whooah, come on and sing it with me..."


"The words relate to the key..."


"If it's a pattern,
If it's a pattern,
Then just repeat after me...
Life and death and love and birth-"

"Life and death and love and birth-"

"Now you sing mi-fa-mi-mi-fa-mi-ti-la!-"

"And peace and war on the planet Earth!" This piece they sang in beautifully harmonized unison.

"Yes, yes! That's it!"

"That's so easy."

"Yeah, but that's what's fun about it
You should write something, you should write a song!"

Flip Side {Daryl Dixon}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora