As we walked towards the others, I noticed that some of the guys weren't there. For example, Kino and Wooseok were nowhere to be found.

"Where's Kino and Wooseok?" I asked Hui.

"Oh, Wooseok went to buy ice cream. Which isn't far, so I have no idea where he has gone. And Kin- Wait. Kino? I thought that he was here." Hui said, now looking everyone in search for Kino.

"He was here though. I saw him." Hongseok said.

We all started to panic, especially Hongseok, and started to call out Kino's name.

Many people looked at us confused, but we ignored them and continued trying to find him.

Just as I was about to yell out "Kino", a voice stopped me.

"I'm right here, guys. I just went for a little walk to try and enjoy the lovely scenery." Kino said, calmly.

"O-oh, okay." Hui said, a little startled.

"Next time, you need to tell us where you are going because we don't want you to experience anything bad." Hongseok said, sternly.

Kino nodded, but it seemed as it was almost absentmindedly.

I noticed that he had a far away look in his eyes and my mind instantly went back to when me and Yuto were holding hands. Everyone could see it and I wonder if while he was on his walk, he had come across our little display of friendly affection.

I looked towards Yuto and saw that he was already looking at me. I smiled at him and he smiled back. I then turned around to look at Kino. Once I was able to meet his eyes, I gave a smile. He gave a faint one back.

Is it possible that he had seen it?

I chuckled a little and shook my head. I should stop making things up in my head.

A couple minutes later, I was snapped out of my thoughts by Yanan.

"We're going back to the car." He said.

I nodded and started walking with him. Once we caught up with the others, I tried to hug Wooseok. I don't really know when he came back. He was probably a little lost or something. At least he's back with us.

"What are you trying to do?" Wooseok asked me.

I noticed that he had stopped walking and so did the others.

"I'm trying to hug you, but I can't." I said, pouting.

"I think that it's because you were trying to hug me from my shoulders." He said, laughing a little.

I couldn't really say anything back since I felt a little embarrassed.

"It's okay. Come here, I'll hug you instead." He said, opening his long arms widely.

He hugged me and I hugged him back.

"Okay, can we leave now?" Kino said, sighing.

"Yeah, we should really get going now." Hongseok said.

I nodded and broke away from Wooseok's embrace.

While we were walking, Wooseok decided to walk next to me.

"Hey (Y/N), why did you want to hug me?" He asked me.

I shrugged my shoulders and asked myself why I tried to hug him.

"That's such an amazing reason." He said, laughing.

I didn't say anything, I just laughed along with him because his laugh was contagious.

Suddenly, I felt an arm wrap around my shoulders. I turned to my right and saw Yeo One.

"When we get home, can I talk to you privately?" He asked me, in a hushed tone.

"Yeah, for sure." I told him, nodding a little.

He nodded and patted my arm before removing his arm from my shoulders.

I sighed and looked down at my shoes.  Before I knew it, we were already in front of our vehicle.

Once we all got situated inside, Hui put on some music and we all started jamming along to it, except for me.

I was busy worrying about Kino. I noticed that he was avoiding me. He didn't want to sit by me or be around me. I was sitting at the back while he was sitting at the front.

"E'Dawn, do you know if anything is wrong with Kino?" I asked him.

"I don't think so. Maybe he's just really tired." He said, shrugging his shoulders.

What if my crazy theory was right?

Hey guys!!!! I'm really sorry for the long wait 😭😭😭 I just didn't have any ideas of what to do. I was so unmotivated too. And, to top it all off, I was very busy with school. I had to write essays and do tests. I really did not enjoy it at all.

However, on Friday, we're having a school dance and I'm wondering if I should go. If I do, I'll probably just be writing a new update because I finally have inspiration. You guys can thank my best friend 😂

Anywayssss, I hope you guys had or have a good day. And I hope that you guys have a good Thursday, Friday and weekend!!! ❤❤❤❤❤

I'll most likely update on Saturday. So yeah, and I hope that you guys are still reading this fanfic even though I take really long to update 😭😂

Thank you for reading!  Byeeeeee❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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