A Promise Kept

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Luke and I peel away from the Falcon, heading on our course for Dagobah. The desolate planet of Tatooine I call home disappears behind me as we speed further into space. I feel strangely calm at the controls of my ship, piloting it behind the four bright purple thrusters of Luke's X-Wing. 

"We'll meet you back at the fleet," I hear Luke tell the others on board the Millennium Falcon over my radio. 

"Hurry," Leia replies, her voice soft. "The Alliance should be assembled by now."

"We will."

"Hey, Luke, Nat..." This time it's Han, sounding more sincere than I've ever heard him. "Thanks. Thanks for comin' after me. Now I owe you one."

I smile to myself, typing the coordinates for Dagobah into my navi computer. "We'll see you soon, guys."

The transmission ends, the coordinates beginning to load into the navi computer, and I prepare to make the jump to lightspeed. 

Artoo whistles and bleeps something to Luke over the radio, and I hear him laugh softly. 

"That's right, Artoo. We're going to the Dagobah system. I have a promise to keep... to an old friend."

"Ready to make the jump to lightspeed?" I ask him, my hand resting on the thrust. 

"Yes, stand by."

I pull back on the thrust, the stars in front of me turning to blue streaks as I hurtle into hyperspace, the bright blue and white light flashing outside of the cockpit canopy. 

It doesn't take long to reach Dagobah, and we jump out of hyperspace in front of the boggy green planet. Luke is unnaturally quiet as we descend through the foggy atmosphere, making full use of our front lights and being extra cautious this time as to not end up in a lake. 

"How are you feeling?" I ask quietly, not wanting to press the issue too much, and I'm met with a short sigh. 

"I'm okay."

I sense my way through the fog to Yoda's small hut, decreasing the thrust, lowering the landing gear, and carefully touching my ship down in a clearing beside the hut and the lake. I stay in my ship, keeping my lights trained on the remaining empty area of clearing in front of me, allowing Luke to land with ease. 

Once he touches town I begin shutting down my ship, standing from the pilot's seat and taking a deep breath, lowering the ramp and heading out into the muggy Dagobah environment. Strange bat-like creatures swoop low over my head, cawing at me, and I scowl up at them, running a hand through my hair. 

"I have not missed this place," I mumble, waiting for Luke, and the cockpit canopy slowly lifts, Artoo popping up from his little cubbyhole behind the cockpit and wheeling down the fuselage and wing. 

I hold my hand up to Luke as he pulls himself out of the cockpit, and he takes it. I realise that it's the hand he lost, and it's now covered with a black glove, perhaps to cover the damage done on Jabba's skiff. I help him down from the cockpit, and he drops down beside me, pulling his helmet off and handing it to me, wanting to change. 

I want to say something to him, but my mind is blank. What can I say? What would I want said to me? I can't answer that question, so I remain quiet. 


Luke's voice pulls me from my train of thought, once again. My mind's been wandering so much recently. I look up at him, a slight frown on his face, having now taken off his jumpsuit and flak vest, leaving him in his black kimono shirt, black trousers, boots, and a black glove on his right hand.

She's a Rebel [Star Wars | Luke Skywalker] *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now