The Hub

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It's silent for a few awkward moments as Quinn and I stare at each other.

"It's good to see you again," she says, swinging her blaster rifle round and holding it up, the barrel now resting on her shoulder.

"The feeling's mutual," I reply, and she looks towards Zach, Dex and Tom behind me, giving them friendly smirks.

"Gentlemen," she says.

"Ma'am," Zach says, sounding rather flirtatious, and I glance up at him to find him smiling brightly at her.

She smiles back at him and turns to one of the troops standing next to her. "Take Squad Two-Eighty to sector five-seven and continue to monitor the activity of the Imperial garrison," she commands, and he nods, leading the other troops out with him. She glances back at her screen and sighs, placing her blaster rifle down on the dirty stone table in front of us, where a hologram of what I assume the surrounding areas is being projected.

"So, what brings you to Erso Base One, then?" she asks after a moment, flicking some stray strands of hair from her eyes and looking back up at us, Mattin joining her by her side and surveying the hologram with a frown on his face.

I take a deep and shaky breath, glancing at Zach for a second time. "We have received word that the Empire is beginning construction on a new Death Star," I begin, and she squints at me.

"Even though the first one was destroyed by nothing more than an X-Wing and a couple of proton torpedoes?" Mattin smirks.

"No, no, that flaw was put there by Galen Erso," Quinn snaps, waving her hand at him, never taking her eyes off me. "And you want me to do what, exactly? Carry out another Rogue One? You've come all this way to ask me to die? Is that what you're saying?"

She has an edge to her voice, and I feel my palms become sweaty, trying to think of a way to approach this. She lost good friends that day on Scarif. It's a big ask. "No, not at all. We've also been in contact with a few members of the Empire who are trying to overthrow the Emperor from within, and we wanted to ask you for your help in carrying out a mission to retrieve the plans for the second Death Star and also to assassinate the Emperor," I continue.

This time it's Quinn's turn to smirk. "That seems like an awful lot to try and accomplish, General," she jeers, and I feel my cheeks burning. I'd forgotten she can be quite condescending when she wants to. "How do you propose you go about this, then? May as well hear you out."

"The people on the inside will rewrite Operation Wolffe, an order that was made to mobilise the Emperor's reserve army on Coruscant, their stronghold for the time being, in case he's killed or something along those lines," I explain, stepping forward and looking between Quinn and Mattin as I do so. "Its purpose is to contain civil unrest, but if we could convince them that Stormtroopers were staging a coup, they would have to act."

"And Mon Mothma and General Madine are in contact with a group of Bothans who are working on stealing the Death Star II plans," Zach adds. I frown; this is new information. "They would work alongside us and the men on the inside carrying out Wolffe, delivering a powerful blow against the Empire and, hopefully, wiping them out."

Quinn's silent for a few moments as she stares back at us, contemplating the idea. "Who are these 'men' you keep speaking of?" she asks.

"Colonel Erfad, General Voski and Captain Edvard," I reply. "If it's any consolidation, they know General Jackson, Colonel Philips and Brigadier Mitchell well."

Her pink lips spread into a wry smile. "Ah, who could forget those jack-booted politicians who think they're military commanders?" she says, and I smirk back at her.

She's a Rebel [Star Wars | Luke Skywalker] *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now