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Leia and I head back to the cockpit, the ship shuddering violently as we're hit with laserfire from the three trailing TIE Fighters, and we instinctively grab hold of each other so we don't fall over. 

"Bloody hell," I say under my breath as we reach the cockpit, Lando moving so Leia can return to her place in Han's chair and at the controls to the Falcon, and I look out at dusk on Bespin. It would be beautiful if our situation wasn't so deadly. 

The ship shudders again, and I huff in agitation. "Right, I'm heading into the gunports," I announce, and I begin to head down to the central hold area which leads to the ladders for the gunports. But then I stop, a familiar presence washing over me, and I freeze. 

"Ben... Ben, please!" Luke cries out, and I dart back into the cockpit, clinging onto the frame of the door for support. Lando and Chewie are busy evading the TIE fighters, but Leia seems frozen in her seat, unflinching as she stares out at the sky and the clouds. "Ben... Nat! Leia!"

I can see him, hanging upside down from a weather vane out in the open beneath the city, the wind whipping through his hair, his clothes scorched and torn, his face tarnished with cuts and burns. 

"Luke..." I whisper, my heart dropping in my chest, a sick feeling rising in my stomach. 

"Hear me, please!"

"Luke," I repeat, louder this time, and Leia turns around in her seat, staring at me with her deep brown eyes, and I stare back at her, trying to think of what to do. Though I'm also confused. She can see it too? How?

She must be Force-sensitive, though surely I would have sensed it before now? But I don't have time to contemplate that right at this very moment. 

Lando looks between us, frowning. 

"We've got to go back," I tell him urgently, snapping out of my trance, sitting down in the last free seat and leaning past Chewie, flicking switches on the dash to slow us down, and he growls at me and swats my hand away. 

"What? Why?" Lando demands. 

"We know where Luke is!" Leia exclaims, turning back round in her seat, also beginning to change the trajectory of the Falcon, and Chewie growls at her too. 

"But what about those fighters?" Lando asks, his frown now turning into an expression of worry, Chewie barking in agreement.

"To hell with those fighters," I retort. "I'll take them down, alright? Just turn this hunk of junk around, we're not leaving him behind!"

Chewie turns to look at me, and then Leia, who sighs and nods at him. 

"Chewie, just do it," she instructs. 

"But what about Vader?" Lando persists, and I huff angrily, turning and grabbing his collar, pulling him towards me, having lost my patience with him. 

"You've got a Jedi Knight on board, not to mention one of the Rebellion's finest leaders. I think we can handle an old man in a suit," I snap at him angrily, glancing at Leia. "Now turn this ship around, hotshot!"

Chewie shows his agreement by barking an ominous growl at Lando, and I let go of his collar, thrusting him back into his seat.

"Alright, alright, alright!" he yells, standing and holding up his hands. 

Leia pulls up on the controls, looping us back around, and we head back towards the city, straight at the pursuing TIE fighters. 

"I'll take care of them," I say, heading back to the central hold area. They're the last thing we need tailing us as we rescue Luke. 

She's a Rebel [Star Wars | Luke Skywalker] *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now