The Rancor

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I shove Han into the dark, dingy wet cell and slam the door shut behind him, resting my hand on the rusty metal. The guard gives me a stiff nod and grunt, stalking back up the stairs with heavy footsteps.

There's a growl from inside the cell, and I hear Han's breath become shaky, and he backs up against the barred door. I go to yank him out of the cell, but I immediately relax when Chewie emerges from the shadows and into the only ray of light that's entering the cell.

"Chewie?" Han asks shakily. "Chewie, is that you?"

The hairy beast lets out a crazy yell and rushes towards Han, wrapping his lanky arms around him, Han struggling to gain his bearings.

"Chew- Chewie!" Han cries, and I smile, hearing the pure joy and happiness in his voice.

The giant Wookiee barks with glee, and I decide to leave them be for the moment, keeping a look out for anyone else who might be skulking about in the shadows.

"Wait. I can't see pal," Han stammers, pulling away from his furry counterpart. "What's goin' on?"

Chewie barks a long, excited streak at Han, who struggles to keep a grasp of what Chewie's saying.

"Luke? Luke's crazy. He can't take care of himself, much less rescue anybody," Han says, his voice still trembling.

Chewie barks a reply, nodding his head and chattering along.

"A... Jedi Knight?!" Han exclaims. "I-I'm out of it for a little while, everybody gets delusions of grandeur."

Chewie growls again, holding Han to his chest and patting his head.

"I'm alright, pal," he says soothingly. "I'm alright."

I wait a couple of moments before pressing my face up against the bars, pulling down my face wrap. "Hey, Scoundrel!" I call through the bars.

Chewie lets out an excited bark at the sound of my voice, and Han steps towards the bars, squinting at me in the shadows.

"General?" he asks quietly, his hands touching my face, wincing as his fingers brush over the bones on my helmet.

I laugh quietly to myself and unlock the door, stepping into the cell and pulling my helmet off. "Yeah, it's me, Han," I smile, unable to contain my happiness and excitement at seeing him living and breathing again. "It's Natalie."

"Nat!" he gasps, pulling me into a hug, and I gladly hug him back.

"Good to see you again, Han," I say into his shoulder, Chewie reaching over and ruffling my hair. I smile and smooth it down, feeling the short, choppy ends and remembering how I hacked at it before leaving.

"What are you doing here?" Han asks, pulling away, his hands resting on my shoulders.

"Using my undercover skills to save you from a situation you put yourself in, again," I reply, giving him a smirk.

He gives me a wry look, smirking back. "Is everyone in on it, too?"

I nod. "Luke should be coming soon. Leia snuck her way in disguised as a bounty hunter with Chewie as her 'prisoner'," I begin to explain, turning to the tall Wookiee. "Sorry about that, Chewie."

She's a Rebel [Star Wars | Luke Skywalker] *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now