A Piece of Junk

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I close the ramp to my ship and lock it from the outside with a security code, and we head next door to Docking Bay 94. As we walk my mind suddenly goes to my rank plaque, and I look down at it worriedly, unpinning it quickly.

"Hey, Luke, could you look after this?" I ask, handing it to him. "It's my Imperial rank plaque, and if Han sees it, he's not going to let me aboard. Can you keep it until we reach Alderaan please?"

He smiles at me. "Of course," he says kindly, placing it into a pouch on his belt that's hidden under his poncho. 

"Thank you," I reply, and we smile at each other. But like last night, I lose my nerve, and have to look away from him. 

We approach Docking Bay 94 together, and Chewie is stood outside with the droids and Obi-Wan. 

"Did you get here okay?" I ask Threepio as Chewie leads us inside.

"Oh, yes. We managed to hide from any Imperial troops," he assures me.

We arrive in the giant dirt pit, and resting in the middle of it is a large, round, beat-up hunk of metal that could only be loosely described as a ship. Stood beneath is Han, who seems to be fixing it up.

"What a piece of junk!" Luke exclaims, and I smile as I continue to look at it. He has a point. It certainly looks like it's been hobbled together with space junk.

"She'll make point-five past lightspeed," Han retorts, walking towards us. "She may not look like much but she's got it where it counts, kid. I've added some special modifications myself."

I cross my arms and give the ship a second look, smiling at it. "It ain't bad," I say truthfully. "It certainly has character."

"Thank you," Han says, and then he points at me. "See. She understands."

"She?" I smirk, raising my eyebrows at him.

"Well, I don't know your name," he smirks back.

I hold my hand out for him to shake. "Natalie Hawkins," I say as he takes my hand and shakes it heartily.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Han smiles. "Nat."

"Same goes for you, Han," I reply, and he lets go of my hand. He looks at the helmet in my hand and gives it a nod. 

"Nice helmet," he compliments, and I smile at him once again. 

"Thank you."

Chewie runs up the ramp into the Falcon, and Luke scratches his head, not too sure about this.

"Now, we're a little rushed, so if you'll just get on board, we'll be out of here," Han says, gesturing for us to follow Chewie. As I walk aboard he gives me a little wink, and I raise an eyebrow at him before he disappears from view.

Instead of following Luke, Obi-Wan and the droids into the central hold area, I follow Chewie up to the cockpit to take a look around.

"You alright, Chewbacca?" I say to him, and he turns and grunts at me from the co-pilot seat, nodding his head enthusiastically. I look around at the controls for a deflector shield, lightspeed, sublight engines and an AX-108 blaster cannon, and I raise my eyebrows, impressed.

I look out to the entrance of Docking Bay 94 and see a group of Sandtroopers standing there.

"Blast 'em!" one of them yells, and they begin firing at Han and the ship. I hear Han firing back, causing the Sandtroopers to jump to safety. I lean forward and press the controls for the blaster cannon, and fire back at them, covering Han.

Han comes running up the ramp as Chewie fires up the engines, and I continue to fire on the Sandtroopers, ducking down so they can't see me through the cockpit window.

She's a Rebel [Star Wars | Luke Skywalker] *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now