"I'm gonna stay a bit longer and relax since I'm so full. Then I have to get going." She says. "Aw..Okay"

"Yeah. My mom has plans tonight" she says. "I see. No worries" I said.

"Is pepperoni your favorite topping or do you like any other kinds?" She asks me. "Hmm..I usually just eat pepperoni. Not a big fan of any other topping. How about you?"

"I love pepperoni. Sometimes I'd eat cheese if I have to but pepperoni is my go to." She says. "Mmm...what else kind of foods do you like? Out side of pizza" I ask.

"Burgers, fries, tacos, spaghetti, seafood...literally I eat anything! Well..I'm picky but I could mostly eat everything." She says and fixes herself to face me.

"Me too"

"I eat a lot" she says. I smirk. "Yeah? With that body? I think you're lying" I said.

"I'm serious! Look at my stomach" she says and lifts her shirt a bit.

"That's because of the way you're sitting. Don't forget I saw you at the club with a tight ass dress." I said. "That's because I didn't eat yet"

"So that means you digest quick" I said. "Whatever alright?" She looks away and sasses.

"Anyways I'm thinking of cutting my hair but I want to keep it long. What do you think?" She asks me. "Long or short you'd look great either way." I said.

"Okay that's a big help"

"Okay fine.." I pause and bring my finger up and cover her hair from my view to see how she's look with short hair.

"To your shoulder would look cute. Or maybe like and inch below your shoulder would be cute too."

"Hmm Okay. I'll think about it. Maybe I'll wait a few months for it to grow more and then see what I want." She said. "Mm" I mumble and nod my head.

There was a silence aside from the tv noise playing. I forgot what we were even watching. We've just been so busy giving each other attention.

"Where's biscuit?" She asks and looks around the couch from where she's sitting. "Oh!" She says and reaches down for my puppy cause I'm assuming she found her down there. But she's struggling. She bends one knee while her foot was placed on my couch and the other foot was on the floor. She's trying so hard not to have to get up. But next thing you know..she falls off of the couch.

I couldn't help but laugh at her. It's fine though because she was laughing too. I hope she's not embarrassed because she shouldn't be. That was cute.

"Got her!" She says holding biscuit up in the air and placed her on the couch by me. Then she sits back on the couch too and ties her hair back into a low bun.

"You Okay?" I giggle. "I'm fine" she says and starts smiling more, almost laughing. "Are you clumsy?" I ask. "No!" She says and I raise my brows. "Okay maybe a little" she said. I shake my head and bring my face down to biscuit and attack her with kisses.

"You made Jennifer fall. Yes you did! Yesssh you did" I said with my puppy friendly voice. "Don't make it seem like it's a good thing!" She exclaims. I laugh and let her play with biscuit. I'm glad biscuit isn't scared of her. Instead of crying, making sad puppy noises and shaking, she's playful and energetic with Jennifer. Thats never the case with other people.


Jens POV

Another weekend here. Vanessa is hanging out with me today along with Veronica. We went to the mall.

"Get off your phone for once today!" Vanessa says as I'm smiling at my phone. "Wait" I said. We were walking around and she's holding Veronica's hand. I just kept looking up time to time to make sure I wouldn't crash into anyone.

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