Chapter 103: The Sein Snake

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"Father!" Eli yelled busting through the doors and prying Erik off of Luke.

"Let me at him!" Erik spat, "I swear I will break every bone in his body while naming them."

In the struggle, Erik fell backward on Eli's foot and Eli gave out a yelp of pain.

So unaccustomed was everyone to any vocal expression from Eli that the matter was quickly settled and Erik worriedly helped Eli to a chair.

"I'm fine," Eli barked, "Really don't think anything more of it."

Gustave looked over his brother in troubled anxiety and worked to remove his shoe.

"Gustave," Eli pleaded desperately, "Please."

Christine gave a small yelp and covered her mouth as Elis twisted and blue toe was exposed.

"Is it broken?" Erik asked Gustave.

"I don't know," Came his son's honest reply. "I can't tell."

"I've taken a few medical classes," Luke grumbled begrudgingly, "Let me look."

Erik shot him a look of death and Luke made his way warily to Eli.

"I don't remeber you taking any medical classes," Gustave noted skeptically.

"You never ask," Luke sighed, "Or write."

Luke affirmed that it was indeed broken but time rest and proper care would set all right. But he shouldn't walk on it, not for a few days at least.

When all had been settled Erik looked as if he might like to go on Luke again but as the panic calmed, Erik realized his daughter's absence.

Understanding slowly crept in and he gave Luke a stupefied look of injury.

"Sorry," Luke mouthed silently. "She wanted to go."

"Say no more," Erik's eyes warned.

He looked around the room and prayed Ilios was back before they returned, or even he wouldn't be able to protect her from her Mothers wrath.

"Eli Destler!" Christine exclaimed, "You're soaking wet."

Every head turned and there was no misconception that yes, Eli was shaking in the cold head to toe.

"What happened?" Gustave chuckled looking over the sorry sight that was his brother.

"Well," Eli stammered looking down, "I got my foot stuck in one of the traps and lost my balance."

Erik grunted something of the nature of Eli's response being a lie but no one else seemed to notice.

Eli winced at the sight of his Father. He should have known better, or rather, should have lied better. There was no fooling Erik, not where Eli was concerned.

"Come," Erik barked, trying his best to repress his anger at being lied to. "Christine you let Mary and Winnie enjoy the rest of their evening. Gustave will sort Luke out I have NO doubts."

"Yes Father," Gustave mumbled like a scared little boy.

Erik hoisted Eli but by the collar and escorted him out of the room.

"The River Sein?!" Erik fumed the moment they had left earshot and entered the boat.

"What? How?"

Erik gasped and pointed at him accusingly, "Not only the river! A girl! You brought a girl to the river!"

"I wasn't!" Eli denied, "I wouldn't!"

Twisted Every Way(Phantom Of The Opera Fic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora