Chapter 85: Dinner Party

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Ilios toyed nervously with her locket, rubbing it until her hands smelled of tangy metal.

"How much longer?" She asked her Father impatiently.

"Any moment dear," He laughed.

Oh, how she loved to hear him happy.

"and Wade won't come out?" She frowned.

Christine shook her head in silent no.

Ilios scoffed, "Why does he always have to ruin everything?"

"We have to be patient with him," Winnie said in her best mothering tone, imitating the speech she had gotten from her Father millions of time. "He needs love and time."

"Phooey," Ilios scoffed sticking her tongue out at her little sister when her Father turned away.

"Ilios is being inraptured."

"It's immature," Eli corrected making his way to the table and rustling Winnie's hair, "And I wholeheartedly agree."

"Oh I've missed you," Ilios sneered sarcastically with a smile as her brother kissed her cheek.

Eli shook his head with a tired laugh, "You never change do you Ilios."

"I don't go looking for trouble!" Ilios insisted.

"It comes looking for her," Erik finished with a knowing smile. He knew the feeling.

"What happened to Tom?" Eli asked her with a chuckle.

"Father scared him off. Same with Scott and Ethan and Teddy."

Eli raised an eyebrow at his Father, "You've been busy."

"It was hard, she really liked Scott," Erik noted. "But I simply pointed out that he arranged his bookshelves alphabetically and that was the end of that."

Eli scowled, "I arrange my books alphabetically."

Ilios scrunched up her face teasingly, "And how is your life as a convicted felon?"

"Ilios," Christine scolded "That's gone too far."

"Let her gush and jabber," A strong voice boomed from the doorway, "I can not remember when I have been more amused."

"Peter!" Winnie shrieked rising up and running to her friend. "Did you bring me the photos?!"

He laughed and handed her the small satchel. "From the heights of Paris to the Red Sea. Photos for you, courtesy of me."

Ilios rose to her feet knocking over her chair, "Mother I've forgotten to put on my dress! I'm still in my school clothes!"

Christine chuckled, "Another time my dear, it's quite alright. You're young still anyway, your Father requested you not wear it till your a bit older."

Erik shot a knowing glance to his irritated daughter and proceeded to greet Peter.

"Why would he do that?!" Ilios asked her mother angrily.

"Because Lukes coming by."

"Luke?" Ilios said scrunching her nose, "But he's just Luke."

Christine smirked, "Your Father isn't taking any chances."

"Ah!" Peter grinned bowing to Ilios, "If it isn't the mischef maker. Gigi. or rather anything but, what a unfitting nickname. How did we ever give it to you? How are you?"

Ilios grinnned evily, she decided to start off by knocking him off his rocker.

"I've been dying to ask you so much." Ilios beamed dragging him back to the table, "It's been so long."

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