Chapter 61: Siblings

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"Eli," Ilios whispered. "Eli I'm bored."

"Shh," Eli scolded writing furiously on a scrap of paper.

"What are you writing?" Ilios chided again.

"Its a plan for a drawing. I'm going to draw Wade."

Ilios sighed and flopped onto the couch beside him. "I don't understand you, always planning. Don't you ever just go out and do something?"

"Yes," Eli stated seriously, "I go and I plan."

His sister groaned in exasperation and threw up her arms. "Why can't we do something exciting?!"

Eli frowned, "Writing is exciting!"

"Phooey," Ilios sneered. "I miss Peter."

"Why don't you send for Luke to come over?" Eli asked impatiently.

"He wouldn't come till tomorrow, besides he isn't any fun. He makes fun of me."

"Oh?" Eli smiled, "why?"

"saysimbering." Ilios mumbled quietly.

"What?" Eli prided.

"He says I'm boring," Ilios admitted.

How did Eli always play everything perfectly to his advantage?

Life was a game and in Ilios' eyes Eli was always winning it.

"Can't we play something together."

Eli scoffed and shook his head, "Every time we go off together somebody- usually me gets hurt."

"But Eli-"

"You try my patience Ilios," Eli stated firmly, causing his sister to retreat. He returned his attention to Wade, who had been entrusted into his keeping a lot these past few weeks.

"Wade," Eli said pointing to the baby as his small eyes followed Elis arm across the room. "You're Wade."

Eli pointed gently to his chest with his pointer finger. "I'm Eli."

He smiled as Wade stared back up at him. He was having trouble sketching him, his face changed in the slightest of ways every few seconds. An eyebrow would raise a bit higher, a frown.

Eli hoped he liked his new siblings. He loved Ilios of course, but most of the time she was a pest. He was joyfully anticipating, what he hoped would be like Peter and Gustave, a friend to keep close by.

He worried too, for Winnie. Eli liked his little life below, he had no particular desire to see the world, to meet people or know them.

Winnie perhaps, or so he feared, would feel differently.

Wade, he hoped would be like him, happy to stay, little girls, after all, were nonsense to him and he wanted another brother around to stay.

"Wade," Eli cooed, "Wade."

Wade looked up and flashed a toothless grin, his bright blue eyes sparkling.

"Ilios!" Eli shouted proudly, "Come here!"

Ilios madly rushed into the room, nearly slipping on the floorboards as she rounded the corner. She grasped the lower part of the doorframe for balance.

"What!? What is it?!" She said excitedly.

"Look!" Eli beamed proudly, "Look! he smiled at you!"

"That's it?" Ilios moaned, "I thought something exciting happened."

"Something exciting?!" Eli scoffed with a triumphant laugh, "He smiled! Its a revolutionary milestone in his asynchronous development!"

"It's a baby!" Ilios stated unenthusiastically. "All it can do is stare and droll and smile."

Wade gave a frown.

Eli covered his little ears, "Look you made him sad!"

"He's a baby, he doesn't get sad."

Eli gave a sigh, he could think of at least 15 solid arguments that babies had the same level of an emotional plane as adults just with less control and comprehension.

He decided it wasn't worth the fight and told Ilios to go get Winnie instead.

"What am I going to do with all of you," Eli sighed with a shake of his head. "Just you wait till Father and Mother come back. They'll understand."

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