Chapter 21: Autumn's coming

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Gustave sat in his room heartbroken. He had told his Mother about Jean and she had sighed. 

Sighed like the day he returned home, warm and alive into her arms.

Gustave knew to her the story was far too much familiar. 

"Gustave," Christine said slowly, "Do not do anything foolish that you'll later regret."

Gustave nodded. He knew what she meant.

 It was far too late. 

The moment he had put on the mask 2 years ago was the end of his childhood, the start of his regret. 

 Anabel was walking down the long hall hand and hand with Jean. They were talking and laughing when Gustave appeared in front of them.

 Anabel stepped backward, "Gustave!? How in the name of the heavens did you do that?"

He smiled teasingly, "A magician never reveals his secret."

"Who is this kid?" Jean laughed, emphasizing the word kid.

"I'll be fourteen in March thank you, Jean." Gustave grumbled.

Jeans face went pale, "How do you know my name?"

"I know the name of all the lowlife idiot bums in this place." Gustave thought.

Instead, he fake smiled and said, "Just a lucky guess."

"I'm taking Anabel out to dinner tonight." The rich boy beamed. "I've been saving up my money from my poker games."

Gustave's heart sank. His face went pale. "You're going with him?"

Anabel nodded solemnly. 

Gustave went pale, his shyness absorbed him. He wanted to speak but Jean had intimidated him into silence. 

"No." Anabel sighed, "I don't want to- but I will be brave."

She thought no one had heard her.

Jean took her hand and led her the opposite way. 

"Hey! Did you hear her? She doesn't want to go back off," Gustave yelled. 

Anabel turned, it was the voice, it couldn't be.

"What did you say to me you pompous child?!" Jean yelled pulling his sword. 

Anabel gave a cry and cowered back.

 It couldn't be Gustave!

How could it be Gustave?

"You heard me, let us duel. For her liberty, from you and your disgusting ways of life." Gustave yelled back. 

Erik heard the commotion had followed Gustave to prevent him from persisting stupidity.

 He watched in horror at small shy timid Gustave declared war on a much stronger vessel.

Erik had but one thought. If Gustave got one scratch, Christine would kill him. 

Gustave, hand trembling drew his weapon. 

Jean struck first.

Gustave was caught off guard, the blade had hit his shoulder and he was bleeding badly. The swords clanged like never ending chimes in the wind. 

Anabel stared at the fighting, terrified that one of them might be hurt or worse, killed. 

Struggling to fight Gustave pleaded, "Free her do what you like only free her!Have you no pity Jean?!"

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