Chapter 81: Confessions

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"Miss Dechangy might you describe, the exact events leading up to the murder of Mr. Smith."

Clara's brow furrowed, "It wasn't murder." 

Eli looked at her pleadingly. 

"It wasn't no matter what he tells you." she stated firmly to the judge. "He wants to punish himself for God knows what. But in this instance, he is innocent."

She turned and faced the boy with pity. How beautiful he looked, like the summer she had spent when they were innocent and happy. Before that dreaded mask had come apart and everything she thought she knew of him was ripped away with it.

Still, looking at him now, he seemed so normal, so human. 

Eli had recovered his prosthetic mask, and Clara had to admit, with the deformity removed he looked normal as could be...handsome even. 

But she had misjudged him before. 

Doubt, as much as she hated it was slipping into her mind. 

"The man took me by gunpoint into his carriage and drugged me with what I believe was chloroform. When I awoke, I was at the bay, It is my belief the man intended to drown me in the river." 

"And when you awoke Miss who was the first person you saw?"The man inquired as the jury listened intently. 

"It was Eli but-"

"Was there any other man in sight?"

"No not right then-"

"And what was Eli Destler doing?"

Clara thought hard back into her groggy memory, "He was holding onto the ropes that had bound my hands behind my back." 

"And miss, do you recall if he was tightening those bonds or removing them."

"I-I don't recall," Clara said frowning, "I was so tired." 

"Is it possible that Eli Destler was your captor that day in any way shape or form?" 

Clara looked to Fred who was violently shaking his head and turning red. 

"Leading the witness," Fred exclaimed angrily. 

"Let the girl answer the question," The judge stated turning to Clara. 


No, it wasn't possible. 

How she yearned to lie.

"I suppose," Clara stammered. 

Fred collapsed in defeat into his chair. Hope, any hope of freedom was fading fast. He could plead insanity now, but that was all. All seemed lost. 

"That's all I need ask your honor," The man said smugly making his way back to his seat. 

"Continue Miss." 

Clara could barely retrieve words as Elis' eyes turned up into her own. 

They said nothing, told her nothing but pierced her soul with a pain she never thought possible to experience. 

Her mind flashed back to yesterday.


"Eli you have to stay," She pleaded through tears, "You can't go to court what if you lose?!"

"Claraice I have to, I owe it to that man." Eli had stated resolutely, his voice dark and tired. 

"Eli I've lost so many people." Erik stated firmly, "I can't lose you too." 

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