Chapter 100: Reconciliation

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"Had Mother ever seen you like this?" Gustave asked raising an eyebrow. 

Erik grinned and shook his head, "She would never let me. Told me that I was to be how I was and she was to love me. I do say, however, I rather enjoy it."

Gustave stared dumbfounded at his Fathers symmetrical face, and then to the forlorn Eli beside him who seemed rather bored despite the colorful embrace he had gotten from his brother and niece earlier. 

"It's funny," Gustave commented with a laugh, "I've never felt I looked anything like either of you. Eli with his mask on looks your spitting image. But now, now I can see it." 

It made him happy, seeing how perfectly he fit between the two. 

Gustave gave a darting glance along the walls of the room "And Wade won't-"

"Wade says it won't change the beast he is inside," Ilios commented coldly as she brought a tray of tea to the table, "And other bitter nonsense like that."

"Don't hold it against him Ilios," Erik urged scoldingly, "He's suffered a trauma." 

Ilios gave a small scoff, "Who here hasn't?" 

"He'll grow out of it," Eli said assuringly to his sister, placing a hand on her back. "I did." 

"Where's Luke?" Ilios asked curiously.

"He went up to say hello to your Mother, she had something to give him." 

"I hear he's doing rather well towards college," Ilios noted. 

"Yes," Gustave nodded, "And like it or not in school he'll stay. it'll do well to keep him out of the war." 

"War?" Eli said in confusion, "What war." 

Erik sent Gustave a warning glance and Gustave acted quickly to change the subject. 

"Winnie and Mary seem to get along splendidly." Gustave smiled, "I was hoping they would. Mary has very few friends. Hardly any, she prefers to keep to herself." 

"There nothing wrong with that," Eli laughed, though the idea of war was still echoing in the back of his mind. 

"No," Gustave agreed, "Nothing wrong at all. I just worry sometimes, she gets in such dark moods."

Luke came bolting down the stairs, making a rather large racket that startled Erik out of his wits.

"Don't you know how to walk?" Ilios shouted with a laugh. 

"Ilio!" Luke exclaimed gleefully sweeping her up and twirling her about. "And Eli it's good to see you old chap."

"Old chap?" Eli murmured, "It's good we got him away from London when we did."

Ilios nudged and shushed her brother as Luke happily clamored on about the subjects of business and expenses and so forth. 

After a moment he leaned over and whispered in Eli's ear. 

"I've brought you the information you asked for." 

Eli gave a small nod, "About Winnie?"


"What about me?" A small voice peeped up from between them, looking with great intrigue. 

"Talking of how pretty you look in that little white dress," Luke grinned. 

"Erik-" Christine said starting to make her way down the stairs, "Have you seen my-" 

She paused, looking harder and expecting the apparition before her to disappear as Erik rose and gave a soft smile. 

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