Not everything = happiness in Japan.

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It's just a thought I've had since yesterday. We have foreign exchange students from Japan here. They really never look all that happy.

I assume they're missing something out of their lives or that's just their natural facial expression.

I mean, I'm a bit Japanese and people always tell me I look like I'm angry or upset.

But.. Funny part is I am..

Eh. I don't have much time to write, so I'll just write a bit. I've been trying to captivate the attention of my close friend Tyler.. While at the same time leaving him alone. He is a VERY... VERY nice guy. He puts others before himself constantly and yada yada. He's helping a few people out with their issues. He's helped me in the past but I'm almost screaming for him to listen to me again.

I'm sure if I just flat out texted him he would respond and listen.

But that's too EASY.. I want him to NOTICE somethings up.. Even when I wasn't trying he would.. But hey what's the bad part with a little attention seeking? I'm doing things wrong either way he would completely just torture himself to hear.

Maybe I just shouldn't.. Nevermind, abort mission. He needs to be left in the dark like I pushed him and he chose to stay.

eh.. I have band with him. He made himself a trumpet player because 1. Megan (another close friend of mine) wanted someone to play Trumpet with, since one graduated school last year and the other senior left. 2. They needed more than one trumpet.

Megan ended up leaving for only reasons known by me. So now TYLER is the only trumpet player. He was a baritone player and me being the worst trombone I sat next to him all last year. Since he's a trumpet he now sits next to the BEST trombone player.

Which is ironically enough his brother.

I'm surprised if anyone cares to read this, really. At least I got a bit out. Chemistry class is in about 3 minutes.

It's time kill mode!

Another thing on my mind RELATED to the whole pushing Tyler away is the fact I've pushed EVERYONE away. I just don't want to deal with anyone anymore. I find most of my friends annoying as hell either way, so it only hurts for a selected few. Tyler, Megan, AJ hurts because I like him, but it'll never work.

That explanation is for another time.

It also hurts for Josh and Ar'Moni. Those two are a story for a different time too. :|

My life is actually extremely dramatic, I'm sure everyones life is.. But mine is getting on the annoying side of dramatic.

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