Chapter 5:Beginning of the Attacks

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October,1974.Elections happened in the United Kingdom,James Edward(fictional character),who strongly disagree with the too much involvement of Britain in the international wars,won as Prime Minister.Due to the high numbers of British casualty in the communist insurgency in Malaysia,the newly elected PM ordered to pullout the half of the British troops in Malaysia and forbid the remaining forces to serve as frontline troops.British forces in the Malay peninsula are now out of action and only serves as garrison troops.The Royal Malaysian Army are now on their own on the fight.Royal Air Force operations were also limited by the Prime Minister as the cost of the war is getting higher.3/4 of the Royal Navy in the South East Asian region were sent to the Falkland Islands,Suez Canal and in the Mediterranean Sea.Edward believes that these areas needs the Royal Navy more than the Malaysians.

Marcos and Suharto's plans are getting successful.The only obstacle to their ambitions are the Australians.The Americans are too busy in the Vietnam War and decided to stay out of the Malaysian conflict.

And on November 1974,combined fleet of the Indonesian and Philippine Navy attacked the Royal Malaysian Navy ships.The two were successful on the attack and sunk most of the Malaysian warships while suffering a little lost.Marcos and Suharto ordered their navies to avoid firing on the British and Australian ships,they didn't want to happen a Pearl Harbor like scenario.Limited British-Indonesian/Philippine encounter in the sea happened but no major damages happened that may lead to a full scale British/Australian and Philippine/Indonesian war.

The actions of the two countries was condemned by the international community.The British Parliament made a meeting and majority of them wanted the Royal Navy to pullout from the area and retreat towards Australia.The militay generals and admirals strongly protested the decision.But due to the Prime Minister's influence the decision was still ordered despite strong militay disapproval.

The admiral in command of the Royal Navy fleet in the South East Asia wanted to attack the Philippine and Indonesian ships as most of them are out of ammunition and fuel and some were damaged.The admiral ended up being relieved in service and replace by a softer admiral.

While the Indonesian Navy attacked the sea.An Army consisting of 320,000 men crossed the borders and attacked the Royal Malaysian Army in Sarawak.Soviet made tanks rolled in the road of Sarawak,the Malaysians lacked the weapon to fight these iron beasts.The Indonesian Army were unstoppable until they were halted by combined Malaysian,British and Australian tanks,artillery and highly trained soldiers.

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