Chapter 1:Preparations

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June 12,1967,the Philippines is celebrating its Independence Day.At the Malacañan Palace,prominent visitors,wealthy businessmen,diplomats,and government officials were enjoying the celebration with President Marcos.After that night the president called a meeting with his high ranking military officials lead by Lieutenant General Victor Osias,Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines.President Marcos then discussed his intentions.He revealed his plans to attack and invade their neighbour in the south,Malaysia.He gave the military five years to prepare for the upcoming attack.

Marcos has already requested to his cabinet members to provide enough fundings to the military.The Government Arsenal then began producing stockpiles of ammunitions,rockets,and bombs.Pres. Marcos also negotiated to the Americans to sell him 150,000 M16 rifles and allow the Philippines to have a local manufacturing factory to produce the spare parts of the rifles.The United States Congress didn't allow it,but they were convinced by President Nixon when Marcos promised to send Filipino troops on the ongoing Vietnam War.The Armed Forces of the Philippines sent a total of 12,000 combatants and 6,000 non-combat troops to Vietnam.This will also serve as a training for the Philippine troops,as they will need the experience for the upcoming war.

The Philippine Navy also requested its own needs.After a state visit in the United Kingdom,President Marcos bought two ex-Royal Navy Minotaur-class light cruisers as an addition to the fleet of the Philippine Navy which includes a Baltimore-class heavy cruiser,also bought by Marcos from the Americans,five Cannon-class destroyer escorts,7 Gearing-class destroyers,and 8 refurbished WWII era Balao-class submarines.

The Philippine Air Force also began arming.F-86 Sabre and Northrop F-5 fighters formed the Philippines' air power.Douglas AC-47 Spooky bombers were also bought by the Pres. Marcos.Transport aircrafts were fitted with machine guns to serve as dual purpose.

The backbone of the Armed Forces of the Philippines is the Army,720,000 strong men mostly armed with American M14,M16,M1 Garands and Carbines.Most of the officers were veterans who fought the Japanese during World War 2.Alot of Moro-Muslims from Mindanao were conscripted in the Army and were sent to Corregidor Island for training.M41 Walker Bulldogs,M4 Shermans and M113 APCs formed the armored force of the Army.

Malay speaking Filipinos were sent to Malaysia as spies and Filipino Muslims secretly encouraged their Malaysian Muslim brothers to join the upcoming attack.As the year 1969 ends and year 1970 comes.The whole Armed Forces were already equipped and ready for the war.

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