Special Chapter: Senpai

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A/N: This chapter is about the Gom talking about their senpai's and who's the best. This is a conversation on Facebook.

KISE: Kaijou senpai's are the best ('∀`)♡

Kuroko: But Seiren senpai's are the best of the best.

Aomine: Your senpai's are losers. Touou senpai's are bad ass!

Kagami: And their kouhai is an ass.

Aomine: And you like it

Midorima: Enough you two, Shutoku senpai's are okay.

Kise: Aww, Midorimachii, it's okay to praise your senpai's. Don't be shy ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ

Murasakibara: Yosen senpai's are so kind. They always give me sweets.

Akashi: Rakuzan senpai's are good.

Midorima: You mean obedient?

Akashi: What's the difference?

Kise: Let's see who got the best senpai's!

Kuroko: How?

Kise: Watch me ( '∀`)d

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KISE: Notice me senpai ('∀`)♡

Kasamatsu: Of course I notice you, Baka! You are the best target to kick around.

Kise: What?? Is that all I am to you Senpai? (╥_╥)

Kobori: Don't worry, Kise. Kasamatsu is very proud of you. Those kicks are loving kicks you know.

Kasamatsu: Kobori, you traitor!

Moriyama: I notice you, just like all the other girls notice me.

Hayakawa: So you notice him in a bad way?? Really??

Kise: Senpai!! You speak normally!!

Kasamatsu: He TYPES normally

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KUROKO: Notice me, senpai

KUROKO: Notice me, senpai

KUROKO: Please notice me, senpai

Riko: What are you taking about, Kuroko-kun? Of course we notice you!

Hyuuga: Yeah!! We always notice you!! Always!!!

Koganei: Right! Every time you enter the gym we notice you!!

Izuki: And, every time you stand beside us we notice!

Kuroko: No, you don't

Kiyoshi: But we really notice you, Kuroko! Just see this status, we comment here right after you posted it!

Kuroko: This is the third status, and you only comment one hour after I posted this, and that was because coach commented here.

Riko: Kuroko-kun, we can explain this.

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AOMINE: Notice me, senpai

Aomine: This is embarrassing, I'm deleting this.

Wakamatsu: Who wants to notice you Baaaaka!

Sakurai: I notice you Aomine-san.

Wakamatsu: You are not his senpai, Sakurai.


Aomine: Who wants to be noticed by you, baaaka!

Wakamatsu: Baka Baka BAAAAKA!!

Aomine: super baka BAAAAKA!!

Susa: -_-

Imayoshi: See, Susa? They are so cute.

Susa: -_______-

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MURASAKIBARA: Notice me senpai

Himuro: What brings this up, Atsushi? Do you feel lonely? Are you okay?

Fukui: Tch, you spoil him too much.

Okamura: He just wants extra sweets.

Liu: Thou shalt not be greedy.

Murasakibara: eeeh?

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MIDORIMA: Notice me, senpai

Miyaji: Really?? Midorima? Guys come on see what this kid posted.

Otsubo: Midorima, you have used your three whims for the day, do not try me.

Kimura: We need to save this! We need to save this!

Midorima: That wasn't me! Takao posted this, he hacked my account!

Takao: What? I didn't touch your account today, not yet.

Miyaji: Aww, so you just want to be noticed by us? You are kinda cute right now.

Midorima: Thank you sooo much Senpai!! I love you guys!! *chuuuu*

Kimura: Takao...

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AKASHI: Senpai, notice me

Mibuchi: Aye aye Sei-chan

Nebuya: Roger

Hayama: Roger that!

Mayuzumi: Okay

Akashi: Good

Kise: Akashichii, you are doing it wrong!

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