The Best Cure For Sadness Is: Piggyback Rides!?

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"God, I'm so frickin' bored right now, all this studying is making my brain all fried."  Mackenzie thought as she sat at her desk with her textbook in front of her.  Deciding to take a break, she pushed the book away and thought about what she should do to ease her boredom.

Normally, the first thing she would think of is practicing her basketball skills.  But this time, she decided against it since she really didn't want to increase her chances of meeting Mr. Pervy Aho.

The second thing she would think of is playing a shogi match against Akashi, but sadly, he was gone.  Out practicing with his basketball team.  He offered her to go with him but she politely declined, saying that she had to study.

Finally, she decided to go outside for a breath of fresh air.  She grabbed her things and walked out the door.

"Man it's such a hot day today."  She fanned herself and looked for a place to sit in the shade.

She sat down on a park bench and pulled out her iPod.  She scrolled down her list of music and settled with the song "Dirty little thing," by Velvet Revolver.

She closed her eyes and tapped her foot to the beat.

"Dead man wishin they had gotten together with you girl."

"But you're a dirty little liar with a message of obsession to come."

"You got your head in the clouds and your world's upside down."

"Get away from the life you're livin."

"Get away from the man that's stealing your life."

"Get away from the drugs you're takin."

"Get away from the film of sex in your life."

She didn't realize that she was singing to the song until a voice said, "Hey Kenzie-chin, I didn't know you could sing."

"Gah!" she pulled out her earphones and turned around.  "Hey Murasakibara, where's Himuro?"

"Muro-chin said that he had some things to do.  By the way, do you have a hair tie?  It's getting really hot out."

"Yeah, here," she pulled the hair band off her wrist and handed it to him.

"Thanks," He took the hair band from her and pulled his purple hair up into a low ponytail.

Mackenzie stared at him.  "He may not be my favorite character but I must say he does look pretty good in a ponytail.  I wonder what he would look like in other hairstyles?"  She imagined him in pigtails, then bursted out laughing.

Murasakibara gave her a confused look.  "What's so funny Kenzie-chin?"

She waved it off, still giggling, "It's nothing."

Finally recovering, she said, "I suddenly have a craving for ice cream, since it's hot out, how about we go get some?"

His eyes lit up, "Sure, I know a great ice cream place we could go too!"  He grabbed her wrist and lead the way.

For every step he took she had to keep her pace in between a fast walk and a run.  Being 5'7 was not considered short by any means, but his 6'10 height made her look like a little munchkin.  "Now I know how Kuroko and Akashi feel," she thought since her height was in between them.

When they reached the place, he said, "Kenzie-chin, what kind do you want?"

"I want a raspberry cheesecake," she told him, reaching in her pockets and feeling for her wallet.  "Huh?  Where did I put it?  I can't find it."

"Is something wrong?" He asked her.

"I can't find my wallet, I must've forgotten it.  Looks like I won't be having any today."  She shrugged.

"I'll pay for it Kenzie-chin."

"No Murasakibara, you don't need to."

"But I want to, as repayment for giving me that Nerunerunerune candy."

She gave up, accepting his kindness.  "Okay, thanks Murasakibara."

He turned around and ordered the ice cream.  "A raspberry cheesecake and a chocolate please."

When he handed her the ice cream she jumped up and down in excitement.  She licked it, reveling the creamy sweetness on her tastebuds while sighing happily.

Murasakibara glanced at her while eating his own, "How's your ice cream Kenzie-chin?  Is it good?"

She nodded enthusiastically, "Mhm!"

Without warning, he leaned down and licked her ice cream.  "Hm, it tastes really good," he said while licking his lips.

Mackenzie was so shocked that she tripped and the ice cream flew out of her hands and onto the ground with a 'plop'"Shit, I really wanted that ice cream."  She clenched her fists while looking down, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Kenzie-chin are you okay?" Murasakibara asked her and put his hand on her shoulder.  "Kenzie-chin?" 

When she didn't answer, he picked her up from the ground and looked at her face.

She had a few cuts on her and tears where welling up in her eyes.  Seeing that, he pulled her in for a hug, trying not to crush her with his massive strength.  "Awww, Kenzie-chin don't cry, I don't like it when you're sad."

"B-but, I really wanted it," she told him, sniffling.

He kept on hugging her, trying to figure out how to make her feel better.  Normally, he would just say that he'll get her another one but he spent the last of his money, the rest was at his house.  Finally, he came up with an idea.  "Hey Kenzie-chin how about I give you a piggyback ride?"

"H-huh?" She lifted her face from his chest, eyes all puffy.

"Do you want a piggy back ride instead?  My older brother's would do this to me when I was younger, it always cheered me up."

She nodded her head and wiped her eyes, "S-sure."

He grabbed her and hoisted her up on his back.  Then he started walking.

"Wow, I feel like I'm on the Titanic."  She felt like she wanted to scream, 'I'm the king of the world!'  She looked at Murasakibara and asked, "Hey, can you go a little faster?"

"Sure Kenzie-chin," he picked up the pace.

Little by little, she could feel her spirits being lifted.  She kept on saying, "faster, faster!" to the point where he was sprinting.  She threw her head back, lifted her arms in the air and laughed, reveling in the breeze rushing past her.

Before she knew it they were already at the park, much to her disappointment.  "So, how was it Kenzie-chin?  Do you feel better now?"  He asked her, not even out of breath.

"Yup, thanks Murasakibara, that was definitely as good as ice cream, if not, better."  She beamed up at him, her cheeks flushed.

"If you want I can give you more," He offered, smiling at her.

"Really?  I would like that."

After a moment of smiling at each other, she said, "How about another round?"

"Okay Kenzie-chin," He picked her up and started running again.

During that time, she thought to herself, "Who would've thought that the best cure for sadness is piggyback rides?"

A/N:  Sorry for the late chapter guys, I think this chapter is one of the hardest one's I've done so far.  So thank you for sticking with it.  I would also like to add that in this chapter it is actually true that I would probably cry if my ice cream fell out of my hands.  I know it's childish but wouldn't you be sad if something you haven't had in a long time was suddenly ruined?  That would really suck.  I put that Velvet Revolver song on here, check it out, it's a good song.  By the way, the singer might be a weirdo but I still appreciate the band.

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