Special Chapter: Fridge Monster

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"Okay, who's next?"  Mackenzie checked over her list. "Oh, it's Murasakibara's turn!  Hmmm, that's gonna be a little harder, what should I do?"  She sat down and thought about it.  "Well, the only thing I know is that Murasakibara doesn't like losing, having his snacks taken away, vegetables, and crows."  Then, all of a sudden, a light bulb popped in her head.  "I've got it!"  She took out a piece of paper and devised up a plan.

Later with Murasakibara:

"Aww, I can't wait to get home, I'm so hungry."  Murasakibara said as he walked to his house.

When he reached his doorstep he noticed that the door was slightly open.  "That's weird, I thought I locked it."  He frowned and walked in, turning on the lights.

He looked around, "Everything looks normal to me, I must've forgot to lock the door then."  He shrugged and walked over to the pantry in search for food.

He looked inside and found that instead of Twinkies, there were protein bars.  "What the fuck!?"  He checked another one, still the same.  "Where the hell are my twinkies?"

After checking all of them he still couldn't find his sweets.  Then he started checking under the sink, it was filled with cabbage.  After that, the floor boards, this time, instead of his Nerunerunerune candy, it was replaced with celery and a sign that said, "Eat your vegetables son!"

He got up and clenched his fists thinking to himself, "First my Twinkies and now my favorite candy, oh hell naw that's crossing the line."  Then he suddenly remembered something, he hasn't checked the fridge yet.

With that in mind, he walked over to the fridge door and opened it.

Mackenzie popped out of the fridge and yelled, "Surprise motha' fucka!"

Instead of acting surprised like she thought he would, he put his mammoth hand on top of her head and said, "Kenzie-chin, where are my snacks?  Tell me or I'll crush you."  He increased the pressure on her head.

Mackenzie gulped and laughed nervously.  "H-here," She handed him a bag full of his snacks.

As soon as she handed it to him his mood changed almost instantly.  "Thanks Kenzie-chin, would you like to stay over longer?"

She shook her head frantically.  "N-no thanks, I have some where to be."

"Okay, bye Kenzie-chin."

"Bye," as soon as she said that, she ran out the door.  "Mission: Failed."

A/N:  Sorry this chapter is really short, I'm kind've running out ideas.

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